MM-ACRL Volume Count

MM-ACRL Volume Count

About the ACRL Reports

API reference documentation for all modules located at:  https://dev.folio.org/reference/api/

Example of this report coming from Voyager (not yet available)

Report Description Detail

These reports are modeled on ID111 (Association of College and Research Libraries Reporting) and ID104 (Association of Research Libraries statistics). These reports also utilize elements of the ID433 (Circulation Report) and ID226 (E-Resource Counts for ARL, ACRL, NCES). These reports are used for pulling data that are reported on an annual basis to organizations such as the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL), the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), and the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). 

The manner in which these reports are constructed can vary greatly from one library to the next. Therefore, a host of filter-point data elements must be included here in support of the widest variety of need within the FOLIO community. 

Report Criteria

  • A sum of total volumes
  • A sum of total titles, broken down into the categories of "tangible" and "electronic."
  • A sum of total expenditures, broken down into the categories of "one-time" and "ongoing."

Volume Count:

Volume counts typically entail counting the total number of item records within the ILS. However, there is typically a need to filter out records that are "suppressed." A library may also want to filter out certain types of materials, which can be done via MARC coding found in the leader and 008 fields. In the case of FOLIO tenants that are shared by multiple institutions or libraries, filtering by location my be necessary.  

Folio Attribute (Module/Path:Object)Folio Data Element DescriptionParameters/Query

Item ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:id)

* Notated as itemId in other branches of the module

Unique ID of the item recordA volume count is derived by counting item IDs
Item Suppression Status (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:discoverySuppress)Indicates that the item record is "suppressed" and should not be displayed in a discovery system

Used to filter (if necessary)

This element provides a means of excluding suppressed item records from the total title count

A library may count all non-suppressed item IDs to derive their title count. However, there may be instances where some filter mechanism must be used in order to select a subset of total volumes. In such cases, one will typically filter by material type, location, or both. Therefore, the following elements are being included in this report prototype to support this type of query refinement. 
Material Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage:materialTypeId)UUID for a particular material type

Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage and mod-inventory-storage/material-type - connects with:


Material Type Name (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/material-types:name)

Label for the material type (e.g., "book")

Used to filter (if necessary)

Provides a means to filter by material type. This element is pulled into the report using the materialTypeId found in mod-inventory-storage/item-storage. This element provides a human-readable material type that is easier to work than the materialTypeId, which takes the form of a long machine-readable UUID. 

Institution Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/location-units/institutions:id

* Notated as institutionId in other branches of the module

Unique ID for item location at the "institutions" level (i.e., highest location level).

Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/location-units/institutions and mod-inventory-storage/locations - connects with:


Campus Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/location-units/campuses:id)

* Notated as campusId in other branches of the module

Unique ID for item location at the "campuses" level (i.e., second-highest location level).

Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/location-units/campuses and mod-inventory-storage/locations - connects with:


Library Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/location-units/libraries:id)

* Notated as libraryId in other branches of the module

Unique ID for item location at the "libraries" level (i.e., lowest location level).

Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/location-units/libraries and mod-inventory-storage/locations - connects with:


Institution Location Name (mod-inventory-storage/location-units/institutions:name)

Name of item location at the "institutions" level (i.e., highest location level).

Used to filter (if necessary)

Provides a means to filter by institutional location. This element provides a human-readable institutional location name that is easier to work than the institutionId, which takes the form of a long machine-readable UUID. 

Campus Location Name (mod-inventory-storage/location-units/campuses:name)

Name of item location at the "campuses" level (i.e., second-highest location level).

Used to filter (if necessary)

Provides a means to filter by campus location. This element provides a human-readable campus location name that is easier to work than the campusId, which takes the form of a long machine-readable UUID. 

Library Location Name (mod-inventory-storage/location-units/libraries:name)

Name of item location at the "libraries" level (i.e., lowest location level).

Used to filter (if necessary)

Provides a means to filter by library location. This element provides a human-readable library location name that is easier to work than the libraryId, which takes the form of a long machine-readable UUID. 

Item Permanent Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:permanentLocationId)

UUID for the item's permanent location.

Note: The permanentLocationId is a UUID that can be used to designate a "permanent location" as defined within one of the system's three levels of locations (i.e., institution, campus, and library locations).

*Needed to calculate Effective Location

Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-inventory-storage/locations. Connects with:


At this time, the API documentation implies that an item location can be set to any location ID at any of the three location-unit levels (i.e., institution, campus, or library). 

Item Temporary Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:temporaryLocationId)UUID for the item's temporary location.

Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-inventory-storage/locations. Connects with:


Item Location (mod-inventory-storage/locations:name)

Location where the item is held.

The name element can refer to the descriptive name of the item's location at any of the three location-unit levels currently defined within the system (i.e., institution, campus, library).

Used to filter (if necessary)

Provides a means to filter by item location. The UUID provided by mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:permanentLocationId will determine what name is shown here.