RM-ACRL Collections Expenditures

RM-ACRL Collections Expenditures

About the ACRL Reports

API reference documentation for all modules located at:  https://dev.folio.org/reference/api/

Example of this report coming from Voyager (not yet available)

Report Description Detail

These reports are modeled on ID111 (Association of College and Research Libraries Reporting) and ID104 (Association of Research Libraries statistics). These reports also utilize elements of the ID433 (Circulation Report) and ID226 (E-Resource Counts for ARL, ACRL, NCES). These reports are used for pulling data that are reported on an annual basis to organizations such as the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL), the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), and the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). 

The manner in which these reports are constructed can vary greatly from one library to the next. Therefore, a host of filter-point data elements must be included here in support of the widest variety of need within the FOLIO community. 

Report Criteria

  • A sum of total volumes
  • A sum of total titles, broken down into the categories of "tangible" and "electronic."
  • A sum of total expenditures, broken down into the categories of "one-time" and "ongoing."

Collections Expenditures:

The approach one takes to building a query that sums all financial expenditures for a statistical survey, like ACRL's, will vary across libraries. ACRL asks for a separate accounting of "one-time" and "ongoing" expenditures. Some libraries will use FOLIO to track these expenditures, while others will rely on some other financial accounting system administered through their parent institution. 

The elemental hierarchy of the mod-finance-storage module is (from highest to lowest): Ledger → Fund → Budget → Transaction

All transactions are associated with an "amount" which can be broken down into the encumbered amount, expended amount, or the amount awaiting payment. Some transactions might also be associated with an allocation (e.g., in cases of ongoing expenditures). 

How one approaches the building of a financial query will depend on the accounting structure that has been established in FOLIO. For example, the separation between one-time and ongoing expenditures could be established at the ledger, fund, or budget levels. What's more, a FOLIO instance that is shared between multiple institutions will likely establish their accounting structure differently from a single institution tenant. For example, a multi-institution tenant would likely establish separate ledgers for each institution. They might then establish a separation between one-time and ongoing expenditures at fund or budget levels. 

This prototype is an attempt to account for the full variety of ways in which institutions might set up their financial module and, therefore, need to construct their financial query for the ACRL statistical survey. Filter points are provided for at the ledger, fund, and budget levels. While one might use the "fiscal year" data element found within the ledger level of the fund structure as their date range filter point, this prototype instead uses transaction dates, as they will tend to be more accurate. 

Folio Attribute (Module/Path:Object)

Folio Data Element Description


Folio Attribute (Module/Path:Object)

Folio Data Element Description


Table name: mod-finance-storage/transactions

Transaction ID (mod-finance-storage:transactions:id)The UUID of a transactionWill be needed to link mod-invoice-storage and mod-finance-storage. Connects with mod-finance-storage/transactions/sourceInvoiceId.
Table Name: mode-finance-storage/fiscal_years

Fiscal Year ID (mod-finance-storage/fiscal_years:id)UUID for a specific fiscal year

Will be used to provide a key time-based filter point. Provides a join point between mod-finance-storage/transactions and mod-finance-storage/fiscal-years. Connects with: mod-finance-storage/transactions:fiscalYearId

Fiscal Year Name (mod-finance-storage/fiscal-years:name)The name of the fiscal year periodProvides a key time-based filter point for this report. ACRL reporting involves all transactions for a specific fiscal year period.
Fiscal Year Code (mod-finance-storage/finance-storage/fiscal-years:code)The code of the fiscal year periodProvides the code of the fiscal year. ACRL reporting involves all transactions for a specific fiscal year period. Ex: FY2020
Table Name: mode-finance-storage/funds

Fund ID (mod-finance-storage/funds:Id)

UUID for a specific fundProvides a join between transactions, budgets, and funds. Connects to: mod-finance-storage/transactions:fromFundId and mod-finance-storage/budgets:fundId
Fund Name (mod-finance-storage/funds:name)Provides the name of the fundThis report is asking for a total amount spent in a specific fiscal year for "shipping" and "binding". A specific fund is usually created for both, therefore filtering by fund will give us the total amount for each fund.
Table Name: mod-finance-storage/Ledgers

Ledger ID (mod-finance-storage/ledgers:Id)

UUID for a specific ledgerProvides a join between mod-finance-storage/finance-storage/funds and mod-finance-storage/ledgers. Connects with mod-finance-storage/funds:ledger:id
Ledger Name (mod-finance-storage/ledgers:name)Provides the name of the ledgerSupports filtering by ledger. 
Table Name: mode-finance-storage/Invoices

Invoice ID (mod-invoice-storage/invoices:id)UUID of the invoice

Provides a join between mod-orders-storage/invoices and mod-orders-storage/orders_invoice_relns. This will give us access to mod-orders-storage/po_lines through mod-orders-storage/orders_invoice_relns . Connects with mod-orders-storage/orders_invoice-relns:invoiceId

Table Name: mode-orders-storage/orders

Order ID (mod-orders-storage/orders:id)UUID for a specific orderProvides a join between mod-order-storage/po_lines/purchaseOrderId and mod-storage/orders. Connects to: mod-orders-storage/po_lines:purchaseOrderId. This will allow us to pull order details related to an invoice.
Order Type  (mod-orders-storage/orders:order_type)Provides the label for the order type ( One-Time or Ongoing)Will be needed to get "One-time" or" Ongoing" expenditures. The ACRL report is asking for a sum of all expenditures for each category. Should be able to filter by order type.
Table Name: mode-circulation-storage/items

Item ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:id)The UUID of an itemMay not be needed for the ACRL report itself but will be needed to create a bridge between Pieces and Material Type.
Table Name: mode-inventory-storage/ Material Types

Material Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/material_types:id)UUID associated with any particular material typeProvides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/items:materialTypeId and mod-inventory-storage/material_type:id . Connects with mod-inventory-storage/items:materialTypeId. It will be needed to filter by material type name.
Material Type Name (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/material_types:name)Label for the material type (e.g., "book")Provides a means to filter by material type. Ex: Book, DVD, Microform etc. Will be needed to provide the format/type of the order. (Book, ER, DVD etc.)
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/locations

Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:id)UUID of the locationProvides a join between mod-inventory-storage/location/locations and mod-inventory-storage/pieces:locationId. This will allow us to pull location for each piece (Pieces is in LDP) For the ACRL report, filtering by location may be needed.
Location name (mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:name)Name of the locationWill allow us to filter by location. One may also decide to suppress a specific location.
Table Name: mod-inventory-storage/institutions

Institution ID (mod-inventory-storage/institutions:id)UUID for an InstitutionProvides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/location/locations and mod-inventory-storage/institutions (In LDP). This allows us to pull the name and code of an institution. Connects to mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:institutions:id
Institution Name (mod-inventory-storage/institutions:nameName of the InstitutionProvides the Institution Name.
Table Name: mod-inventory-storage/Campuses

Campus ID (mod-inventory-storage/campuses:id)UUID for a CampusProvides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/location/locations and mod-inventory-storage/campuses (In LDP). This allows us to pull name and code of a campus. Connects with mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:campusId
Campus Name (mod-inventory-storage/campuses:name)Name of the CampusProvides the Campus Name in report.
Table Name: mod-inventory-storage/Libraries

Library ID (mod-inventory-storage/libraries:id)UUID of a LibraryProvides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/location/locations and mod-inventory-storage/libraries (In LDP). This will allows us to pull name and code of a library. Connects with mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:libraryId
Library Name (mod-inventory-storage/libraries:nameName of the LibraryProvides the Library Name.
Table name: mod-orders-storage: po_lines

PO lines ID: (mod-orders-storage/po_lines:id)The UUID of a PO LineWill be used to connect to the table 'pieces' in order to be able to get to material types and location.  Connects with mod-orders-storage/pieces:PoLineId.
PO lines Order Format name: (mod-orders-storage/po-lines/order-format:name)Provides the format of the item purchasedWill provide in the report the format name of the order. (Electronic Resource, Physical Resource, P/E Mix,Other).
Table name: mod-orders-storage/pieces

Pieces Id: (mod-orders-storage/pieces:id)The UUID of a PieceWill be used to connect with the Locations table. Act as a bridge between mod-orders-storage/pieces and mode-orders-inventory/location/locations. Connects with mod-orders-storage/pieces:locationId.
Table Name: mod-orders-storage/orders_invoice_relns

Orders_Invoice_relns ID (mod-orders-storage/orders_invoice_relns:id)The UUID of a relationship between order and invoiceProvides a join between mod-orders-storage/invoices and mod-orders-storage/orders. Connects with mod-orders-storage/orders_invoice_relns:purchaseOrdeId.
Expenditures Diagram In ProgressFOLIO ACRL Expenditures Diagram InProgress.pdf