RA-Collections Recalls Cluster Prototype - in review

API reference documentation for all modules located at:  https://dev.folio.org/reference/api/

*This report provides a count of recalls by borrower type and patron category (who received recalls and not who placed them), by date range (academic quarter or semester).

Report Description Detail

  • This report is modeled on UXPROD-2017, a cluster of Resource Access reports currently consisting of a single report (REP-202) on recalls by borrower type, that is run annually, or as needed.

Data fields

  • Date range, borrower type (patron group of borrower who received the recall request), item type (this is not requested in the report, but might be useful to include),

Report Criteria

  • Within a specified date range, provides a count of items that have been recalled by borrower type.


  • Date range.

Folio Attribute (Module/Path:Object)Folio Data Element DescriptionParameters/Query
Table name: mod-circulation-storage/request-storage-requests

(mod-circulation-storage/request-storage/requests/itemId)ID of the item being recalledProvides a join between mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests and mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans.
Request id (mod-circulation-storage/request-storage/requests/id)The ID of the recall requestNeeded to count the number of unique recall requests.
(mod-circulation-storage/request-storage/requests/requestType)Type of request (whether the item has been recalled, paged for, should be held upon return, etc.)Needed to filter by type of request (where type = recall). This data element provides a filter point for this report.
(mod-circulation-storage/request-storage/requests/requestDate)Date the request was madeThis data element provides a filter point for this report (where requestDate between [start] and [end]).
(mod-circulation-storage/request-storage/requests/requesterId)ID of the patron making the recall requestProvides a join between mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests and mod-users/users (in case there is a need to pull in the patron group of the requester)
Table name: (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans

Item ID (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/itemId)
The ID of the item (being recalled)
Provides a join between mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans and mod-circulation-storage/requests-storage/requests
User ID (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/userId) ID of borrowerProvides a join between mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans and mod-users/users
loan ID (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/id) Loan IDProvides a join between mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans and any other table that needs to be linked via the loans table.
Due date (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/dueDate) Due dateDate when the item is due to be returned
Due date changed by recall (mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans/dueDateChangedByRecall) Due date changed by recall (yes/no)Whether or not this loan had its due date modified by the recall request on the loaned item
Table name: mod-users/users

User id (mod-users/users/id)ID of the patron the item was lent to (ID of the borrower)Provides a join between mod-users/users and mod-users/loans
User patron group ID (mod-users/users/patronGroup)Patron group ID of the borrowerProvides a join between mod-users/users and mod-users/groups
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items

Item ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/ID)The  ID of the itemProvides a join between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-circulation-storage/loan-storage/loans
Item holdings record ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/holdingsRecordID)The holdings record ID of the itemProvides a join between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings
Item permanent location ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/permanentLocationID)/or effective location or temp location (ask Angela) - need to know which library the book is associated with

Item's permanent location ID

Needed to pull in location name element from mod-inventory-storage/locations; provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-inventory-storage/locations 
Item temporary location ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/temporaryLocationID)

Item's temporary location ID

Needed to pull in location name element from mod-inventory-storage/locations; provides  join between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-inventory-storage/locations
Item effective location ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/effectiveLocationID)Item's effective locationNeeded to pull in location name element from mod-inventory-storage/locations; provides  join between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items and mod-inventory-storage/locations
Item call number (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/itemLevelCallNumber)The call number of the item
Item barcode (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items/barcode)The barcode of the item
Table name: mod-users/groups

User patron group ID (mod-users/groups/id)Patron group id of the borrowerProvides a join between mod-users/groups and mod-user/users
User patron group name (mod-users/groups/name)Patron group name of the borrowerType of patron (user), e.g., grad student, faculty, staff, etc.
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/locations

Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/locations/id)ID of the locationProvides a join between mod-inventory-storage/locations and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items
Location name (mod-inventory-storage/locations/name)

Name of location

This provides the name of the locations referred to in the items table.
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings

Item holdings ID (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings/ID)The holdings ID of the itemProvides a join between mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items.
Item Title (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings/shelvingTitle)The title of the item

  • How will we be able to run this report for items that have already been returned? Will FOLIO retain borrower group information? Voyager purges personally identifiable information, but retains borrower group, which is actually all that we need.
  • Some expansions of this report may be: Was the item charged after the request was filled? Recalled loan (by loanID) must be closed (loan status=closed), which shows that the item was returned. Then was the item (by itemID) charged after that? How long was it on the hold shelf before it was claimed? How do we frame these queries?

An example report may look like this:

Borrower patron groupDate rangeItem locationCount recalled
Graduate1/1/20 -6/31/20Art Library12
Graduate1/1/20 -6/31/20Math Library10
Graduate1/1/20 -6/31/20Main Library6
Undergraduate1/1/20 -6/31/20Main Library21
Undergraduate1/1/20 -6/31/20Olin Library14
Staff1/1/20 -6/31/20Main Library5
Faculty1/1/20 -6/31/20Engineering Library7
Faculty1/1/20 -6/31/20Art Library2
  • Title, call number, and other fields may be included in the output, depending upon need.