RM-Costs Cluster Prototype
Please Note
This report cluster has been divided into the RM-Invoice Cluster, RM-Order Cluster, and RM-Fund Cluster
Report Description Detail
This is the prototype documentation for the UXPROD-2255 RM-Costs Cluster (23 reports). This cluster covers approximately 23 reports (REP-XXX issues) that provide Resource Management data on library expenditures.
The purpose of this report is to show how much money was spent within a given date range. The report includes separate prorated charges such as shipping.
Data Fields
The data attributes come from storage modules on invoice, order, and purchase order tables in the Acquisitions application.
Report Criteria
Links to Related Queries
-for reports within this cluster that require bibliographic metadata (see REP 86), such as discipline, subject, etc., use MM queries as subqueries
Information Resources
See the Data Dictionary FOLIO Schema Parser for details on data elements
See the ACRL Diagram for tables and fields related to this report cluster
See the Acquisitions Interface Fields spreadsheet for data attribute definitions
---------- NOTES ---------------------
*Material Type (from Martina)
-Second material type set up is for DBS-related report expenditures
-RM bringing more data attributes into Order Lines
-You can count on more than one Order material type
-RM material types spreadsheet
Costs Model
-invoice line on the invoice includes a payment, which has a PO link and the funds charged
-we need the detail of the invoice line to show the different charges associated with that invoice line
-invoices can have charges at the invoice level if you choose not to prorate them
-budget irrelevant to expenditures
-overall, eresources may need their own separate models because eresource and print resource data elements are separate; order format tells you whether the order was electronic or paper
Invoice Expenditures Model
-what did we spend on these items within this date range that includes separate prorated charges such shipping
-prorated charges are under adjustments in invoice line number
-pull ID from each table
-start with invoice line number table, join it to the invoice table (which will have the date added soon)
-start with invoice table and include all invoices paid within a date paid range with a status of paid (see status on invoice table)
-from this collections of invoices, select the invoice lines and show the detail
-include query here to show total on the invoice line and pull the element that shows the total for the invoice as a way of checking the data
-the invoice line has a link to the PO
-from invoice line table, pull total, subtotal, fund distributions, PO line ID, adjustments, and adjustments total
-use the PO Line ID to connect to the PO Lines table
-on PO Lines table, pull reporting codes, tags, acquisition method (shows firm vs approvals, etc.), description, details (subscription, may show whether subscription or firm order)
-connect from PO lines to Orders table (see po_lines:id description) and then to Order Lines table (see orders:id description)
-from Orders, pull acqUnitids, order type (firm or subscription)
-from Order Lines table, acquisition method, orderFormat, poLineNumber, instanceId, agreementId, purchaseOrderID
-when you connect to the fund from invoice line number, it will show a row for each fund charged, so this may need to be grouped
Questions for the RM SIG