2017-09-07 Metadata Management Meeting Notes

2017-09-07 Metadata Management Meeting Notes




Discussion items

 Updates: Forum Facilitators; Linked Data Working groupThere will be no Facilitator's Forum this week. It was postponed. No updates on the linked data working group were reported.
 Product Council UpdateKatrin Fischer was a guest at today's Product Council meeting. She represents a German constortium that uses Koha. Ms. Fischer reported on how Koha governance works for their consortium. There are community models for Koha that work for the different groups that utilize Koha. There are commercial vendors that provide Koha support for some libraries. She spoke about the development process, which is separated into defined stages. The information was helpful to the Product Council.
 Instance UX and loading behaviorFilip Jakobsen

Continuation of the Aug. 31 discussion


Filip continued demonstrating his workflow draft.

If in Instances, Items, Holdings App (or Apps) - Do we need an app for each? Filip requested feedback. Fields

  • Piece Number (unique number for a copy of an item) when populated will trigger the creation of location and barcode fields.
  • There is an option to create an items and holdings records.
  • If this is split into different apps, (it may become one inventory app),
  • Instance would join related items. What is this relationship and how is it made? (Question asked)
  • Ann-Marie suggested having a conversation about KB vs. locally stored data. Which is the data going to be stored where?
  • Filip is hoping in the long run, just scanning something in a scanning application, would produce a view of information about that item that was scanned. Support was expressed for this scan app.
  • Filip encourage people to add their feedback on Discuss so he can look for opinions in one place.

Lynn asked Filip what we can do to help Filip with his next steps. Filip mentioned that if we mapped our metadata management tasks and provided those workflows to him, that would be helpful in informing UX development. Lynn wondered if we can envision our workflows in terms of Filip's prototype enough to comment. Lynn mentioned that at Duke the acquisitions and cataloging process is a combined workflow. Charlotte suggested to use the document with real life examples following the Instance/Item UI fields in the next iteration of the UX prototype. Filip would like to know how we, in general, perform our workflows now, not in reaction to the prototype. Filip showed how Resource Management handled their workflow sharing to Filip. To view this look in the left menu for the workflow/real life examples: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RM/Resource+Management

If members have workflows to share, please post them to the Discuss forum.


Action items

  • If members have workflows to share, please post them to the Discuss forum.

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