2017-11-09 Metadata Management Meeting Notes

2017-11-09 Metadata Management Meeting Notes




  • Review design of Inventory App
  • Presentation and discussion of Codex Search app

Discussion items

2 minHouse keeping

5 minWG on Linked Data

Start up in the beginning of 2018

No updates.

Product Council Update

The Product Council did not meet, so there were no updates.

  UX design update - Inventory app

Filip has published his latest video on Discuss: Inventory, UX iteration, English

Filip will do a walk-through of his latest changes, and would like to discuss and get feed back from the group on

a) What is the best way to do the layout when you present holdings and item data (in 3rd pane)? - screen dump from the video:


  • Filip showed a display that mimics the 2 pane more.
  • Jacquie - What is the "summary" meant to be used for? It is an unnecessary extra "click" or step. Filip - it is an automated display that condenses some info from the item record, useful when there are hundreds of items. Sebastian wondered if we really need to see all of the copies ever.
  • What is displayed will be configurable in future versions.
  • These columns cannot be sorted, yet.

b) How complex does the sub-filtering need to be, e.g. Search box next to Holdings data, and search on Law library?

c) Advise, comments, suggestions on

  • Note feature
  • Change tracker
  • Custom fields

d) Piece Identifier - "Copy" - follow up on last weeks discussion

        • Lisa Furubotten suggested using the terminology "location" instead of "copy."
        • At University of Chicago, they may have two copies in different libraries, both of which are "copy 1" copies.
        • Suggestions are to eliminate the word "Copy" in favor of showing only the call number


To do:

  • Go to ux.folio.org - Please comment on the search and scan app.

UX design of Codex Search App

Presentation, feed back and discussion

Codex Search - alpha release. Search across the Inventory app, and the eHolding app (admin/admin), and search local instances as well as KB-instances.

The codex search will allow searches in various or all sources, currently labeled All, Local, KB.

  • In Codex search results, what is the preferred order to display?
  • There will be more than one KB. There will likely be more than one local inventory app as well.yy
  • Packages displayed for ebooks are so far planned to be everything from the Knowledge Base. Those that have been selected and not selected will be able to be filitered.
  • It should be possible to have more than one MARC based inventory.
  • How much can be done in this app? What exactly is its functionaility?
  • What happens when Instances for the same work are found in different resources? How will the search results of the codex display for those occasions?

Holdings & Instance mapping working groups update

Charlotte Whitt, and work groups

Documents we have been working on:

MM SIG Working Groups - Metadata Elements and MARC mapping

MM SIG use cases

Planning 2 workshops with Filip

Discussion topic for Joint MM SIG + RA meeting: Resource & Format types - A list is needed. The Resource Management SIG may want some input. Workshops are intended to be 2 to 3 hours. These will be to consider metadata workflows and their connections.

Charlotte will send out a Doodle poll to try to find a time. Christie Thomas expressed a desire for more information on how the cataloging functions, particularly batch import/export features will work. Knowing this, will help inform our conversation in a workshop. Charlotte thought that maybe next time this could be something the group discusses.

Action items
