2016-12-21 Metadata Management Meeting notes

2016-12-21 Metadata Management Meeting notes



  • 5:00pm UTC+01
  • 4:00pm UTC±00
  • 11:00am UTC-05
  • 10:00am UTC-06
  • 8:00am UTC-08




Discussion items

Determine recorder of minutesDoreen
  • We'll rotate this responsibility from meeting to meeting; moving in alphabetical order
  • Recorder should share screen and other attendees can assist by viewing minutes and provide feedback
Participating as a memberDoreen
  • SIG meetings: frequency; determine agreeable time slot
Recurring meeting timeDoreen

To be sensitive to our variety of time zones, suggesting that we establish a weekly standing meeting with two rotating time slots. For example, based on the Doodle poll, 12:00pm EST on Monday and 11:00am EST on Wednesday yielded the highest results and everyone (with a few exceptions) were able to make one or both slots. So our schedule would rotate from one week to the next:

  • Week 1: Monday 12:00pm EST
  • Week 2: Wednesday 11:00am EST

Recommendation that it might be best to have a single, regular timeslot to avoid confusion

Liaison to Product Council

    • Introduction of Product Council
  • Representatives from all OLE partners, EBSCO, Index Data
  • Need to coordinate activities in specifying requirements of FOLIO
  • Each SIG has a liaison to PC
  • Oversee existing SIGs and development of new SIGs 
  • Find and enter links to documents