2017-06-22 Metadata Management Meeting Notes

2017-06-22 Metadata Management Meeting Notes




Discussion items


Update from the FOLIO Facilitators

 Joseph Olivarez

Folio roadmap update next Weds at 11am (central time?)

 Update from Product CouncilDracine Hodges 
 MM SIG meeting next week (6/29) - need a convener!LynnLynn will send out email early next week - if MM SIG members want to meet, feel free to self-organize!
 Codex & Data Model working group - two 'volunteers' from MM SIG neededLynn


brief introductory conf call next week(?)

long working conference call week of July 4th(?) - Kristin M will send out a doodle poll


Sense that having a more fleshed out data model & better description of the FOLIO data 'ecosystem' (record relationships, record types, etc) will help MM SIG

MW noted that the data ecosystem needs to be designed with change and flexibility in mind - must be able to adapt.

CW asked if the working group had representation from the Reporting SIG - Lynn will reach out to Kristin Martin. It seems likely that the working group will create some documentation, etc. for all the SIGs to evaluate & respond to, so if there isn't specific representation from one group, all SIG members will likely get an opportunity to respond to the data model


Recording of RM SIG 6/16, where idea was discussed: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7G8S7WF6N20SkIyVXJzVjl4a2c

 Metadata Use Case document/ metadata elements to add to the "Metadata elements for workflow" worksheetGroup





Given the upcoming work of the Data Model working group, the MM SIG won't spend meeting time adding to the spreadsheets. Members are encouraged to continue adding use cases & brainstorming metadata elements; as well as adding notes/comments/questions to the spreadsheets.

 Future tasks/discussion: Crosswalk mapping from other schema into FOLIO; Authority control/linked data in FOLIO  

Action items
