2017-06-08 Metadata Management Meeting Notes

2017-06-08 Metadata Management Meeting Notes




Discussion items

 Update from the FOLIO Facilitators

Joseph Olivarez

 Update from Product CouncilDracine Hodges 
 Look at Metadata Use Case documentLynn & Group


 Brainstorm metadata elements to add to the "Metadata elements for workflow" worksheetLynn & Group


Lynn suggested that the group take a "higher level" look the the Metadata Use Cases spreadsheet. Lisa McColl asked for a definition of "Codex Instance." Codex is defined as the metadata elements in Folio needed to facilitate workflows. It is a store of an internal (to FOLIO) description. Our task is to list within the Codex what things we need in order to accomplish the tasks that FOLIO is trying to accomplish.

Paul Hoffman remarked that if we as a group, started with an example, and worked together, that would be helpful.

Kristin Wilson is not clear how much metadata to include. We seem to be boiling this down to Dublin Core.

Lynn suggested being extremely narrow in our listings to the specific workflow mentioned.

Christie Thomas asked for further explanation about administrative metadata. She referred to Line 3. An example of administrative metadata is something Chicago uses, a "bibliographic record status" of DDA. Is this the type of information we should be listing?

What attributes should be in the holdings vs. the instance?

Assignment: Use the Metadata Use Cases > Metadata elements for workflow spreadsheet to record ideas. We will discuss these at a later meeting.

 Discuss Authority Control SIG idea brought up at Simmons FOLIO dayGroup 

Action items
