2017-07-27 Metadata Management Working meeting: 12-2pm EDT

2017-07-27 Metadata Management Working meeting: 12-2pm EDT




Discussion items


Product Council update

Former user (Deleted)


  FOLIO Forum updatejdolivarezn/a

MM SIG - Linked data working group : 

 Two people have emailed Lynn to express interest. She'll be contacting them & trying to organize the working group over the next week or so
2 hours
  • Introducing the Codex Data Model "strawman"
    • describe the process for arriving at the proposed model
    • review the proposed fields for each of the key objects
  • Validation of "strawman"
    • examine a number of key use cases (as time permits) to see if the proposed model can be used to satisfy them 
    • adjust the data model as needed

Snapshot version of working model document is here:


Action items
