2017-11-02 Metadata Management Meeting Notes

2017-11-02 Metadata Management Meeting Notes




Discussion items


Need volunteer convener for next week
Please let Lynn know if you are willing to act as the convener for next week's meeting.

Product Council Update
  • Product Council discussed the roadmap.
  • Dracine recommended viewing the recording of yesterday's Folio Forum.
  • Upcoming presentations: Please vote for Folio topics if you see they have been proposed for conferences.
  • Opportunities surrounding special collections work. This grew out of the meeting with the Library of Congress. They are interested in seeing if they can have a conversation with Folio. This will not be a "SIG" - just a discussion group that Sebastian and Peter Murray will facilitate. The frustration expressed was trying to "squeeze" special collection materials into the ILS when they do not fit there easily. How can these work in an ILS better?
  • JISC is discussing joining the Folio community.
  UX design update - Inventory app

 discuss channel here: https://discuss.folio.org/t/oct-26th-meeting-search-app/1350

Filip demonstrated a new Inventory UX.

  • Earlier today Filip put out a prototype of the Search app, and an accompanying video.
  • Filip demonstrated the Search App which will be used to search across Folio apps. The ability to filter by App is made possible in this prototype. V.1 will allow searching by Collection, then filtering would happen after the initial search. Later versions will allow the user to filter before the initial search.
    • Search Results - For alpha - the result will lead to the originating app. There may be a brief display available.
    • Within search results, the ability to display specific fields is being built in.
    • Questions: How granular should the filter abilities be? What else should be considered?
  • Inventory App
    • Items/Instances app has now been combined to become the Inventory App
    • Search/filter is available in this app, with filtering. Now there is the ability to expand and collapse layers of data:
    • Filip would like feedback on what type of information should be displayed in the right window. At this point, the hierarchy is replicated in the display window panel with the bibliographic record at the top, item information in the middle, holdings information below. There was a suggestion to keep the hierarchy in place.
    • Jacquie asked if the item information can inherit information from the holdings information. Associations should be able to be inherited. Charlotte and Filip confirmed that the item record will be inherited from the holdings. The data will live in only one place. Peter clarified that if item information is entered, it will overwrite what has been inherited from the holding. Item information will not influence the holdings information. Charlotte does not think a call number should be editable at the item level.
    • Use case the includes a call number for a temporary item? Christie said at Chicago they have some use cases in which they need to have an item specific call number. It may differ from the holdings call number.
    • "Copy"
      • Lisa Furubotten suggested using the terminology "location" instead of "copy."
      • At University of Chicago, they may have two copies in different libraries, both of which are "copy 1" copies.
      • Suggestions are to eliminate the word "Copy" in favor of showing only the call number.
    • Sebastian asked why the middle pain and right hand replicate information.
    • Eholdings
      • Harry asked what the display would be like for e-holdings. Filipe is not sure what the best way is to mix the results between print and e. Sebastian envisions the search app as searching instances accross titles, whether held locally or electronically. How or where would an eholding package display?
      • Ann-Marie mentioned that a local inventory search may result in an electronic item, cataloged locally. Some libraries have holdings for electronic records, some just use a bibliographic record.
      • Texas A&M does have a MARC holdings record for eresources. They do create a MARC holding for databases
      • Ann-Marie, some libraries assign call numbers to electronic.
      • Laura Wright (in chat)
        At CU Boulder we have an item record but no holdings record for e-books. For e-journals we have marc holdings but no items. But the items on e-books are really just a workaround to create a decent user display. We don't store "real" data (such as class number) in these items.Lisa (in chat) -
      • TAMU (in chat)
        In our case we have the Holdings records for e-versions to provide a call number. The subject selectors do extractions on their collections based on call number. We don't bother to do summery holdings statements. It's for the call number.

      • Christie Thomas (in chat)
        At UChicago we do create local electronic holdings in our system
      • Duke:
        For ALL electronic resource holdings, not only ebooks, please. And databaes, streaming media, .....
      • Sebastian asked do we need to squeeze
      • Music materials should be considered as well as legal materials.
      • Harry - Initial focus should be monographs, serials whether print or electronic.
      • Natasche from Chicago asked whether or not it would be possible to view several windows at once.
      • Jacquie likes their current ability to move data from one record to another one, and is concerned about that functionality being able to work in a browser setting.

Please post comments on the discuss forum

Holdings & Instance mapping working groups update

document here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kdYx63J0KoqR3-LUHuPAzERgj8WE0OQ08rzuCaJaHWs/edit#gid=952741439

Discussion topic for next MM SIG meeting: Resource & Format types

Action items


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