2018-02-08 Metadata Management Meeting Notes

2018-02-08 Metadata Management Meeting Notes




Discussion items


Product Council update
  • Discussed Kirsten's announcement about development efforts going towards ERM.
  • RA SIG will discuss the ERM tomorrow.
  • On May 7-11 World Open Library Foundation Conference (WOLF-CON) will be held at Duke. The intention is to gather not only the FOLIO community together, but other open source efforts in the library world. An agenda outline is being formed. Logistics are being worked out.
  • Updates about WOLF-CON will eventually appear on the web. Mike Winkler will notify us about it.
  • Dracine recommended reading Holly's weekly OLE status report.
  • A good turnout for a FOLIO reception at ALA is anticipated.
  Forum facilitators update / linked data WG update / any other announcements 
  •  Lynn: Need a volunteer convener for next week's (2/15) meeting. Email Lynn if you are interested.

Resource/Format WG update

notes from 2/5 meeting: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QrIzSgMOAMEeafXlGjVf5LjdDjqmDbB38LxHBQOddtc/edit

Recommendation from WG to MM-SIG for discussion:

Add Instance "Issuance" (element name TBD) metadata element to convey seriality of the instance. Content for element = distinct, integrating, continuing, (collection?) - are there others?

MARC BibLvlInstance Issuance element

a - Monographic component part

m - Monograph/Item

i - Integrating resourceintegrating

b - Serial component part

s - Serial


c- Collection.

d - Subunit

  • "Integrating" : An example of this could be a news website ; there is no fixed instance when the information is constantly changing.
  • Patty suggested "complete" may be better to describe the issuance of a monograph, instead of "distinct."
  • Wayne - "Collection" - The reason we represent these in MARC is a sort of compromise. Do we need to represent this in the inventory app in FOLIO? Lynn is considering in accomodating the legacy data we have in libraries.
  • Lynn is wondering if the four instance issuance elements are adequate to describe the issuance models that exist.
  • Ann-Marie - Do we need something to represent electronic packages?
  • Does accomodating legacy data actually perpetuate compromises we no longer need to make?
  • Laura Wright (chat) :

"In case this is helpful, terminology from RDA:

mode of issuance▼: A categorization reflecting whether a manifestation is issued in one or more parts, the way it is updated, and whether its termination is predetermined or not.
Some guidelines and instructions in chapters 24 refer specifically to manifestations with a particular mode of issuance.
single unit▼: A mode of issuance of a manifestation that is issued either as a single physical unit or, in the case of an intangible manifestation, as a single logical unit.
A single volume, a file available online, etc., are included.
multipart monograph▼: A mode of issuance of a manifestation issued in two or more parts, either simultaneously or successively, that is complete or intended to be completed within a finite number of parts.
A dictionary in two volumes, three audiocassettes issued as a set, etc., are included.
serial▼: A mode of issuance of a manifestation issued in successive parts, usually bearing numbering, that has no predetermined conclusion.
A serial includes a periodical, monographic series, newspaper, etc. Reproductions of serials and resources that exhibit characteristics of serials, such as successive issues, numbering, and frequency, but whose duration is limited, such as newsletters of events, are also included.
integrating resource▼: A mode of issuance of a manifestation that is added to or changed by means of updates that do not remain discrete but are integrated into the whole.
A loose-leaf manual that is updated by means of replacement pages, a website that is updated continuously, etc., are included.
Guidelines and instructions in chapters 24 that apply to serials also apply to:
manifestations that exhibit characteristics of serials, such as successive issues, numbering, and frequency, but whose duration is limited (e.g., newsletters of events)
reproductions of serials.


comprehensive description▼: A description that describes the manifestation as a whole.
A description for a map, a periodical, a collection of posters assembled by a library, or a kit consisting of a filmstrip, an audiotape, and a teacher’s manual, are included.
analytical description▼: A description that describes a part of a larger manifestation.
Analytical description includes a description for a single volume of a three-volume biography, a single map forming part of a map series, etc.
hierarchical description▼: A description that combines a comprehensive description of the whole manifestation with analytical descriptions of one or more of its parts.

Inventory app discussion

Discuss requirements for Searching and filters: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ubVlAvZ8PKgKtQ7sOqpmqR3T2xidP0uYJdP9UzRJsbk/edit#gid=952741439

Marc Johnson - Discussed and demonstrated the Inventory Search. Wayne said they concluded that a "type ahead" search would not work across all three types of records.

Charlotte - In Google Spreadsheet - which search criteria would we want?

Wayne - Important in search across multiple fields to weight fields with respect to relevancy. At what point will we address this? At the moment there is no relevancy weighting in the Inventory Search results at all.

Charlotte - Will follow up on when to add that complexity.

FOLIO identifier is a "UUID". There are two different identifiers: Inventory and the ID for the eholdings, which at this point is coming from the Knowledge Base system.

Natascha wondered what will happen with our current identifiers, which will continue to be useful. Lynn and Wayne verified that there is room made for various types of identifiers.

When searching for identifiers in the inventory, these are associated with bibliographic record. However, the capability to search by other identifiers like item id should be there.

Discuss what data do we want to make searchable, and do we want to have an advanced search option. 

Charlotte and Lynn asked for feedback on what could be searched in the Codex Search. Include use cases when

  1. Feedback on Search Options:

Current list:

Does anything need to be added? Subtracted? Note that this cannot be an exhaustive list.

2. Feedback on Faceting

What elements could be faceted against? Anything that is a distinct value that has a controlled vocabulary.

Filtering (predefined criteria) vs. Faceting (a set of value that are derived from the search results)

3. Feedback on Advanced Searching

Codex search demo

Charlotte is putting up a Discuss post that will have screenshots.

Elements of Codex Search

Search & Filter pane

  • Source = "Local" - This will be the inventory
  • Source = "Knowledge Base" - This could be a variety of Knowledge bases.
  • Both can be searched at once.

Results Pane

  • In results, icons demonstrate if result is from the local inventory, or from the Knowledge Base.
  • In the future, different Knowledge Bases will have different icons.
  • Shortcut keys will be available for all actions.
  • If you click on the record you will be directed to the actual holdings, electronic in Knowledge Base or inventory instance.
  • Clicking on the column header will resort list.
  • There is a plan to have a demo instance available eventually.

Action items


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