Spitfire - Retrospective / Action Plan

Spitfire - Retrospective / Action Plan

Action PlanNotes
May Retro Board 

April Retro Board
  •  Dima Tkachenko Share results of tech leads meeting in #spitfire channed

  • Oleksii Petrenko Adjust spike working approach when multiple persons are involved in discovery. Conduct common spike review meeting

March Retro Board
  •  @Team Provide break down of spikes ASAP

February Retro Board
  • @Team Involve SA as soon as some work on spikes/investigations for new features is started.

  • @Team and Khalilah Gambrell Collaborate more on defining scenarios/use cases in the spikes, so that business requirements are clear and expected outcomes of the spikes are well-understood.

January Retro Board
  • Khalilah Gambrell avoid updating mockups/requirements in the stories that are in progress to avoid scope creep and rework.
To be checked after Sprint 85.
  • @Team Do not take into sprint items with no final mockups. Make sure DoR is met.
To be checked after Sprint 85.
  • @Team Split stories into smaller ones even in case it cannot be split into perfect INVEST stories. If part of work done within a separate story is not testable - define scope to be completed in this story, so that it is clear what must be developed. Such story can be closed without testing as soon as the agreed amount of coding is completed. The story should indicate some related story where the completed functionality will be tested. It is an edge case for 8-8+ SPs stories and it can help to avoid spillovers and have a better understanding of the progress. 
To be checked after Sprint 83.
November Retro Board
  • Board query should be updated to include 'OR "Development Team" = Spitfire'
November Retro Board
  • PO should review and double-check stories/requirements before presenting to the team on Grooming to make sure the stories/requirements are up to date and all the scenarios are added.
To be checked after Sprint 83.
  • Victoria_Smelova  to create a draft of updated schedule and discuss with involved SMs and POs, share to the involved teams to get feedback and approval.
Updated schedule was created and approved by POs, SMs and Teams.
Sprint 72-74 Retro Board
  • Victoria_Smelova Send next round of polls for the action items to get updates/confirmations from the team on the progress and update Retro action plan.
It was agreed to ask for some allocation of a knowledgeable resource owning the module from a corresponding PO next time when we are to develop a feature in other teams' modules. 
Sprint 68-71 Retro Board

SPIKE: MODKBEKBJ-323 Investigate Data Migration Scripts

Definition of Done updated.

  • @Team To schedule meetings and present any tech designs so that the whole team is on the same page about the approach.
Some tech designs and spikes were presented while Sprint Review meetings while Sprint 72-78. Improvements confirmed by the team.
  • Victoria_Smelova  to create and share label for every System Demo and filter to grab issues to be demonstrated.
Sprint 66-67 Retro Board
  • @Team API tests should be part of acceptance criteria of the stories. API tests should be split into a separate story only if the story is too big and implementation takes about 8 SPs.
  • @Team should feel free to add any spikes/investigations they need to the backlog.
Ongoing. Improvements confirmed while Sprint 68-69.
Sprint 62-63 Retro Board
  • Victoria_Smelovato add some hints to Confluence to remind about required fields in Jira.
Spitfire - Jira Flow was added.
  • @Team to be more active on Retro and share their likes and dislikes. Retro cards can be added beforehand during the sprint. Retro board should be available and the link shared in daily Standup notes.
Sprint 60-61 Retro Board
  • Victoria_Smelova Reserve some time while planning in case any additional activities are planned for team-members outside Spitfire team or any additional meetings/discussion to be scheduled for some members.
Ongoing. Planning was adjusted to include time required for work outside the team.
Sprint 58-59 Retro Board
  • @Team to communicate more in Slack and make sure the outcomes of any off-line discussions are shared to the whole team. Add details to Jira/spreadsheet to share and mention on Standups.


Improvements confirmed by the team based on Sprints 60-61.

  • Khalilah Gambrell and @Team to make sure stories are ready for grooming before the meeting and all details are added.
Ongoing. Improvements confirmed while Sprint 60-68.
  • Victoria_Smelova and @Team to make sure the stories are conforming to DoR when taken into sprint.
  • @Team to switch back to joint Standups as we are now working on features requiring close cooperation between back-end and front-end.
Joint Standups are started mid Sprint 60.
  • @Team Run API tests after changes applied.
Sprint 56-57 Retro Board
  • @Team For further discussion: standardized backend API across FOLIO modules

  • Khalilah Gambrell to keep working on requirements for spikes to get them well defined.
To be checked after Sprint 82.
Sprint 55 Retro Board
Ongoing. Confirmed while Sprint 56-68.
  • @Team Get more information related to the future plans and expectations for some features to make investigations of Spikes more efficient.
Ongoing. Improvements confirmed upon Sprint 56-62.
Sprint 54 Retro Board
  • Carole Godfrey, Natalia Zaitseva to discuss with JohnM any available approaches of Jenkins pipeline run for JMeter tests related to java module. Details: to verify test results on the freshly vagrant box we would like to have the ability to run tests via Jenkins.

FOLIO-1703 was added to Core:Platform team backlog. (not a blocker for now)

  • Khalilah Gambrell to organize meetings or share info to the team on Standups to provide some details on future work, so that the whole team can understand the high-level roadmap.


High-level Spitfire - Roadmap was added to confluence to visualize the team's focus. Meetings were organized by Khalilah to review Q2 features, preliminary Q2 plan and high-level estimates.

Sprint 53 Retro Board
  • Victoria_Smelova and Team to make sure that Bugs are linked to the original stories (when possible).
Ongoing. Improvements confirmed while Sprint 54-68.
  • Khalilah Gambrell, Igor Godlevskyi (Deactivated) should make sure that stripes related stories are reviewed and discussed on stripes arch meetings prior reviewing on Front-end Backlog Grooming, so that all the requirements are clarified.
Work in progress. Stripes meetings are very helpful as per the team's feedback.
Sprint 52 Retro Board
  • Khalilah Gambrell to work with other Ebsco POs and Tech Leads to work out some recommendations on Branching approach while delivering releases and get the info added to wiki pages.
Recommendations are summed up on Confluence at Regular Releases.
  • @Team should try to split PRs (if reasonable) to make reviews easier and quicker.
Improvements achieved as per the team's feedback.
Improvements achieved as per the team's feedback.
The rule of two approves is followed within the team. There are still some issues like those within external teams, but it is hard to impose new ruled there.
Sprint 51 Retro Board
This approach is followed by Spitfire team-members, but cannot be imposed for all repo that are owned by different teams.
Sprint 49 Retro Board
  • The team should communicate more in #spitfire channel rather than via private chats, so that the others can get some info about issues, resolutions, etc.
  • Victoria_Smelova Organize regular Reviews/Demos, so that the team can share knowledge on the tasks implemented.
  • Victoria_Smelova Improve Backlog Health: organize regular Grooming meetings to identify inter-dependencies between the stories before planning and prioritize work in a better way.

Regular Groomings scheduled for Wednesdays. Additional pre-grooming for Stripes Force backlog is scheduled for Tuesdays.

  • Victoria_Smelova Improve Planning Process: use regular Groomings and Sprint Reviews to better understand the dependencies, spillovers and estimates for proper plannings.
Sprint results are rather stable across Sprints 51-53

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