2022-10-19 Spitfire Retrospective

What did we do well?

  • Denis got quick approval from TC
  • back-end team quickly updated modules to RMB
  • Sherzod smoosly finished onboarding 

What should we have done better?

  • Approve from TC for back-end module in Orchid
  • code-freeze for folio-spring-base lib should be moved 1 Sprint earlier // talk to Oleksii P
  • extra not essential work for updating Spitfire modules to version with backward compatibility (folio-spring-base)
  • Natalia Zaitseva to track Java 17 update for Orchid
  • note for back-end: due to new Rancher env we need to remember not modify existing db scripts but add new ones 
  • more proactive position on groomings/standups from back-end team.

