45 min | Consortial extensions for Resource Access v1 requirements (rows 11-21) | All | Reserves (row 11) - loaning to patrons from other libraries with privileges
- data elements that distinguishes reserves from other items (for public interfaces, etc.)
Holds (row 12) - some consortia allow recalls from affiliated libraries
Fines/fees (row 13) - NCIP allows to see if a patron is blocked
- permissions for overrides should be granular at the branch, library, and consortial level
Notices (row 16) In transit (row 18) - how is the in-transit location captured?
- it could live in item location (i.e.
User management - patrons within the system versus patrons from another system
- staff authorizations for cross-library permissions
- might need to be a discussion for the sys ops group
Next steps - refer to RA SIG (David Dahl will send)
- UI work is coming along pretty far; might be a good time to review this in a couple weeks (have Andrea and Holly attend; maybe a joint SIG meeting with RA?)