2017-08-30 - Consortia SIG Notes

2017-08-30 - Consortia SIG Notes




Discussion items



  • SIG membership list on Wiki
  • David out week of 9/20; need convener

Consortial scenarios review


#3 is more of a library-specific situation rather than a consortia scenario

  • "two-layer" library system
    • administratively separate - own funding and materials
    • does hierarchy affect other functional areas - permissions, acquisitions, etc.


  • similar scenario in FLO
    • difference: each institutiion owns their own material
      • Texas has a similar situation between a state and private institution; Paula Sullenger will look into details of this
  • should/can library layer be shared by multiple institutions/campuses? both this scenario and #2 would benefit from that


  • separate ILS - not quite a consortia

Important point: System needs to be able to adapt to changing relationships between libraries. Moving any layer of the hierarchy to a different spot would ideally be a "drag-and-drop" function (e.g. Library A moves from Institution 1 to Institution 2).

Any other scenarios?

  • none come to mind
10minwrap-up / planning 

Next week

  • begin review/discussion of Resource management v1 requirements

Action items