2017-07-26 - Consortia SIG Notes

2017-07-26 - Consortia SIG Notes


==> Be sure to use this new meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/816262954 <==



Discussion items



  • David will be out the week of 8/5. David will send an email to the list for a volunteer to convene the 8/9 meeting; looks like a few other people will be out as well.
  • Meeting link has been updated; calendar invites, SIG pages, etc. have been updated to reflect this
  • Peter has proposed a method for displaying SIG membership dynamically: https://discuss.folio.org/t/adding-sig-membership-to-wiki-user-profile-and-dynamically-generating-sig-member-lists/1039. Members can go ahead and indicate membership in their profile. There are a few outstanding questions before Peter adds this to SIG workspaces.

Locations, collections, and consortia (oh my!)

  • probably doesn't have much impact on #1. gets more interesting starting with #2. utilize software to create boundaries where needed; could be particularly useful for fund management
  • consortial relationships don't always align with funding sources
  • how are seven reasons for consortia existence impacted by model? do we need use cases for consortial services?
  • need to send location information as part of API
    • example: approval plans
    • ordering of item isn't necessarily tied to location/owning library; is important for shelf-ready, though
  • what controls ability to create tenants? none at this point, but it is planned and being worked on
  • use case: mini-research collaborations that need a library system
10minWrap-up/Future meeting planning 

what do we do with these discussions?

  • Harry will meet with Vince and Cate about model

Need to run through models with developers and get their feedback

Consortial extensions column

  • continue with this work in upcoming weeks now that we have had some more discussion about locations and consortia
  • Hkaplanian will look at these

Action items

  • Hkaplanian will review consortial extensions that have been added to RA requirements so far