2017-09-13 - Consortia SIG Notes

2017-09-13 - Consortia SIG Notes




  • Finalize first draft of "definitions" document

Discussion items



  • member list on wiki


 PC meeting prep 

Items to update on

  • requirements review
  • consortia/union definition

What do we need help with?

  • how do we codify things like FOLIO tenant model, consortia definition, etc.
  • will be presenting to other SIGs

Need to make sure that consortia are part oft of architectural foundations


Consortia/Union definitions review


Sharing budget is a key attribute of library systems


Vince: does a consortia exist as a tenant on its own?

Should branches have different tenants?

Suggestion: Grid of needs for different cases

  • rows of requirements/characteristics/needs
  • columns of types of consortia (e.g. consortia, union, network, etc.)
    • or maybe these should be specific (actual) consortia
  • need to capture both current and aspirational needs
10minwrap-up/planning No meeting on 9/20

Action items