2017-08-02 - Consortia SIG Notes

2017-08-02 - Consortia SIG Notes




  • Finish review of Resource Access v1 requirements

Discussion items



  • volunteer to provide weekly OLE report updates
  • Harry will convene 8/9 meeting

David will continue to provide updates.

Most attendees are unavailable, so there will not be a meeting on 8/9.


Location hierarchy (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jsBik8wOqt6ViJzYdtRy7yY2FGI_z2cSIdEyQLBlzzQ)

  • are four levels/layers sufficient? RA is awaiting our approval/thoughts.

Can multiple institutions be included? This would be necessary for consortial models #2-#4.

  • Would be good to flesh this out
  • Would it work if consortia = Institution?
    • might not need to indicate consortia; consortia could be equal to the shared system/instance/tenant
  • use case - Kirstin: GBV - Hanover hosts system for all libraries; libraries are completely independent
    • some libraries with different systems but shared user data
    • need to be able to circulate directly from another library
    • might be need to "tag" subsets of libraries within a consortia (e.g. these are the academics, etc.)

Borrowing privileges

    • owning library controls privileges
    • is there a use case to have different privileges between home library patrons and consortia patrons
    • rules would apply to consortia if no consortial borrowing rules are defined
    • options to consider
      • use rules of patrons home library
      • use rules of owning library
      • create completely separate set of rules for consortial borrowers
    • how does a library supporting two schools work?
      • do the two schools get merged into one "institution" or are they two separate "institutions" (and thus separate instances of the location hierarchy)? If they're separate, then how is the single library represented (i.e. would it be duplicated in both hierarchy instances)?
    • shared facility
      • Joint Library Facility
        • example: joint ownership of Nature, etc.
      • does "collection" cover this?
      • how would this get included in statistics - both for collection counts (e.g. ARL stats) and usage?

We need to develop a document of use cases

    • examples - shared facilities, one library supporting two institutions, etc.
    • describe the scenario and then try to fit it within the location hierarchy and non-hierarchy layers/elements, then pose any questions or items that are unclear

Resource Access v1 requirements review

  • postpone discussion until 8/16, add comments to requirements spreadsheet between now and next week (put initials next to comments)
10minwrap-up and future agenda planningAll

No meeting next week; next meeting 8/16 - work on scenarios and review of RA requirements between now and then

Continue looking at requirements

  • Acquisitions/resource management/ERM


  • look at reporting SIG doc

Harry is releasing a survey of "below the line" requirements - might be useful in determining our future work

Action items

  • David Dahl will start a Google Doc to record scenarios