2017-11-29 - Consortia SIG Notes

2017-11-29 - Consortia SIG Notes




Discussion items


Reporting SIG meeting - report on approach to reporting in FOLIO

  • Consort SIG can expect to be asked about what elements are needed for reporting; we should talk about this more at a future meeting


Needs matrix 


Reviewed the categories in the Google Doc

  • Finance changed to "Financial Agent" - some consortia offer deposit accounts for their members (doesn't seem prevalent among those represented in today's discussion though); it's not readily apparent what functionality would exist within FOLIO to support this service, but it doesn't hurt to keep it as a placeholder
  • Resource Management changed to "Shared Workflows"
    • two scenarios at PALNI right now
      • coordination between member libraries to provide some technical services (cataloging) on behalf of another member library
      • consortial support for KB management
    • this category could include things other than coordination around management of resources
  • Consortial Administration
    • still some ambiguity around what this category represents
    • thoughts on this
      • represents the overhead for any type of consortial relationship → what types of things need to be done regardless of the specific services/value that consortia provide?
      • Consortial adminstration is not necessarily equivalent to tasks that a consortial administrator might do




  • All: review and add thoughts about "Consortial Administration" category
  • David Dahl: tidy up "Categories" Google Doc

Next week

  • finalize Consortial Administration description/definition
  • discuss consortial reporting needs

Action items