2022-04-21 Reporting SIG Meeting notes

2022-04-21 Reporting SIG Meeting notes









Arthur AguileraUniversity of Colorado, BoulderxLinda MillerCornell University
xSharon BeltaineCornell University
Nassib NassarIndex Data

Erin BlockUniversity of Colorado, BoulderxElena O'MalleyEmerson

Nancy BolducCornell University
Tod OlsonUniversity of Chicago
xSuzette CanedaStanford UniversityxJean PajerekCornell University

Lloyd ChittendenMarmotxMichael PatrickThe University of Alabama

Axel DoerrerUniversity MainzxEric PenningtonTexas A&M

Shelley DoljackStanford UniversityxScott PerryUniversity of Chicago

Stefan DombekLeipzig University
Natalya PikulikCornell University

Jennifer EustisU. Massachusetts Amherst / Five College
Vandana ShahCornell University
xAlissa HafeleStanford University
Linnea ShiehStanford University

Jeanette KalchikStanford UniversityxClare SpitzerStanford University
xKevin KishimotoStanford UniversityxAmelia SuttonU. Massachusetts

Ingolf KusshbzxSimona TabacaruTexas A&M

Kim LaineCornell University
Huey-Ning Tan

Stanford University

Joanne LearyCornell University
Vitus TangStanford University

Eliana LimaFenway Library OrganizationxIrina TrapidoStanford University
xAlexander LaoStanford University
Kevin WalkerThe University of Alabama

Eric LuhrsLehigh UniversityxAngela ZossDuke University

Discussion Items




Attendance & NotesAngela

Attendance & Notes

  • Today's attendance-taker: ?
  • Today's note-takers:  Team Leads for project updates

Announcements /


New meeting: LDP Users Group

  • May 12 (11:00 a.m. Eastern) 
  • informal: share news and recent work
  • Both LDP 1.x and Metadb users, but introducing more Metadb content, more cross-FOLIO-ReShare content

How to find our latest recordings

Time for a Training Working Group?

  • One of our Goals for 2022 is to develop training and onboarding resources specific to reporting
  • Is it time to form a small team?
  • Anyone interested?

(Always) Recruiting New Query Developers

  • The Reporting SIG is always on the look-out for new query developers. Please let us know if you are interested in doing query development or if there are others at your institution who might be a good fit.

2022 Goal: Develop a FOLIO Reporting Vision and StrategyAll

From our Goals for 2022:

Develop a FOLIO Reporting Vision and Strategy

(Secondary goal: come up with language that can be used to explain to our institutions the importance of the work and of devoting resources.)

  • What should this vision and strategy be used for in the SIG?
    • really helpful for people who are new to the FOLIO ecosystem - where to get involved, what to pay attention to
    • good to put boundaries around what you do and you don't do (also something that can influence our goals); do we do in-app reporting? data warehouse reporting? just good to articulate what you're working on, both for people who are new, people outside the group, and for honing our goals
  • components of our vision and strategy work (proposal from 4/11 meeting):
    • mission statement or motto: short, 1-2 sentences, that summarizes our approach to our work
    • statement of scope: what do we do? why? what don't we do? why?
    • roadmap: short- and long-term milestones and goals for SIG activity
      • could be challenging or time consuming to come up with, but think it would add good added context
      • also can be energizing - very concrete, and can be good to to have a specific target when you want to move forward
  • brainstorm for statement of scope:
    • been a good place for people to come as a centralized point of information; with the subgroups, people get split up, but the SIG meeting brings everyone together to get acquainted with things
    • have also gotten great introductory info here, with demos and the agenda topics
    • to guide the development of the FOLIO reporting environments and tools
      • providing information about what our users need, through needs assessment
      • testing systems
      • feedback on system design proposals
      • develop reporting tools that serve the needs of different kinds of users
      • developing sample queries
      • influencing the shape of the product by building derived table queries - responding directly to user needs by designing helpful tables on top of the basic structure
      • Identifying reporting-specific needs as it relates to the Folio community - like need for good communication in development; influencing and advocating for FOLIO governance practices that meet the needs of the reporting community
      • helping SIG members understand what's under the hood of FOLIO
        • helpful in understanding the structure of FOLIO.  It's come in handy in debugging/identifying issues after going live.
      • Helping other SIGs - outreach to other SIGs, maintaining strong ties for information flow/support of each other's work
      • bridging the knowledge gap between the technical and non-technical people
      • making sure we're not duplicating effort, making sure we're not working on something that is already available in-app
      • giving feedback to FOLIO app developers on what is needed to support reporting
      • what systems does the SIG consider to be part of its purview?
        • the growing LDP ecosystem (LDP 1.x, Metadb, LDLite, LDP MARC, the LDP app, FOLIO Analytics) - committed to being active stakeholders in these systems
        • additional reporting solutions (e.g., direct reporting against FOLIO APIs, in-app FOLIO reports, additional third-party tools) - preference for open over closed tools; serve as a resource to other reporting solutions looking for feedback or partnership
      • connecting non-FOLIO datasets to FOLIO data
        • especially ReShare, because the reporting platform is part of the LDP ecosystem
        • even for non-ReShare data, this work is well supported by the LDP ecosystem
        • legacy system data
      • training and onboarding, marketing and outreach
      • advocate for resources for reporting
      • documentation

Let's start discussing!

Updates and Query Demonstrations from Various Reporting Related Groups and EffortsCommunity & Coordination, Reporting Subgroup Leads

Project updates

Reporting development is using small subgroups to address priorities and complete work on report queries.  Each week, these groups will share reports/queries with the Reporting SIG.  Reporting development team leads are encouraged to enter a summary of their work group activities below.

RA/UM Working Group

MM Working Group

  • Meetings are 1st Tuesday of the month, 12-1pm ET via zoom using the usual FOLIO password. Our lab sessions are open to everyone. Please bring your questions, examples, and comments about reporting and metadata.
  • We are still looking for help with derived tables and reviewers. See our sign up sheet.
  • Our next session will go through the review process and one more example of porting over a derived table from LDP to metaDB.

ERM Working Group

RM Working Group

Reporting SIG Documentation Subgroup

  • Honeysuckle documentation is live on https://docs.folio.org/docs/
  • Iris documentation is in progress, due December 15
  • Additional Context
    • The Reporting SIG has representation on the Documentation Working Group, which is building end-user documentation for https://docs.folio.org/docs/ (mostly linking to existing documentation over on GitHub)

External Statistics Working Group

  • no updates currently
  • new organizational/tracking scheme for JIRA, with pointers to queries in folio-analytics repository
  • New organizational structure for External Statistics reports
    • external statistics reports (e.g., ACRL) typically require running queries from different functional reporting areas
    • these reports will be captured in JIRA under one UXPROD-XXXX report cluster issue, then the descriptions will point to each of the queries required to run them on the folio-analytics repository
    • institutions will need to rank each of these 8 new UXPROD-XXXX report cluster issues
    • each reporting development team will take responsibility for the queries in their area for the external statistics clusters

Product Council

For all recent work on FOLIO Reporting SQL development:

Topics for Future MeetingsAll
  • Next: Reviewing a pull request 
  • How to deal with External Stats reports?
    • maybe subteam leads check in about that
    • probably wait until after Metadb conversion is more complete
  • Converting queries to dashboards: Sharon and Vandana (April 25, tentative)
  • hosting experiences from implementers

Review and update Topics for Future Reporting SIG Meetings 

  • A test Action Item (Ingolf)