2024-11-21 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2024-11-21 Resource Access Meeting Notes


Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


Sarah Seestone

Thomas Trutt

Darcy Branchini

Robert Heaton

lisa perchermeier

Cornelia Awenius

Anja Kakau

Catherine Descanzo

Kajsa Bäckius

Laurence Mini

Martina Tumulla

Mark Canney

Nina Morgenstern

David Bottorff

Leah Anderson

Amelia Sutton

Stephanie Buck

Jana Freytag

Discussion Items:








Jana Freytag

Cornelia Awenius

PC report:

  • Prioritisation process
  • reading room circulation feature presentation

Announcement: UB Mainz went live with FOLIO Circulation last week

Note Taker:

Mark Canney

55MinBound-with functionality in Circ apps

Stephanie Buck

Darsi Rueda

In response to a question by Darsi Rueda in the implementers channel we are going to take a look at the bound-with functionality in circ apps particularly how the bound withs are functioning in the request process.

THis is what we discussed so far:



RA SIG Discussion on bound with display in Circ apps: 2024-03-11 Resource Access Meeting Notes - bound-with display

Meeting Notes

Cornelia announced that Mainz University has gone live with audio circulation on November 11th.

Main topic for today: bound-with functionality in the circ apps. Jana shared mock-ups that were created in a German subgroup to address bound-with in the UI of circ apps. MM-SIG had some input also. Notes are available from the meeting held on 3/11/24. On the Checkout screen you see a small symbol near the barcode indicating a bound-with relationship. The same is found on the Checkin screen and the Request screens, for example, Request detail.

Sarah and Darcy from Stanford joined to discuss bound-with workflows and some issues they encountered. Sarah a product and service manager and Darci is a UX designer. When they migrated from their previous ILS to FOLIO they were excited that FOLIO has the ability to link records together, principal and child records (barcode on parent record only).

Because of the linking they can show a request link on the child record now. And when that item gets requested they can continue to show the child record (instead of referencing the principal). On the backend, when the request is made on the child record the parent item barcode is sent. The problem is, when staff scan the parent barcode the inventory app can't find the requests.

The logic in FOLIO may be that if a barcode is shared by two items, FOLIO will grab the first (oldest) item. A solution may be to present a modal "which item do you want to checkin?". But, should there only be one item record? Also, Stanford has Title level requesting turned on; would FOLIO behave differently if the system was configured for Item level requesting?

Darci will create or share a JIRA and GVB and others are interested in getting this fixed; hopefully an easy fix for a programmer to identify.

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