2024-06-20 Resource Access Meeting Notes - Title level request - future enhancements
Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)
https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)
Discussion Items:
Time | Item | Who | Description | Goals/Info/notes |
5Min | Administrivia |
| Note Taker: Mark Canney | |
50Min | Title Level Request | - UXPROD-3737Getting issue details... STATUS |
Meeting Notes
A. Administrativa. Jana.
1. Let Jana know if you want to be included in the calendar invites.
2. All RA-SIG submissions were accepted for WolfCon 2024. We will have a Calendar workshop and we have two open slots; one for open discussion and the other for a specific topic we have to decide.
3. WolfCon registration is still open and Early Bird pricing is available until the end of July.
B. UXPROD-3737. Title Level Requests: Future Enhancements. Magnus.
1. UXPROD-3737. Show if there are open requests on items (does not work for TLR holds). For a TLR with multiple items would you expect all items to show the number of TLR requests? For a loan, yes. Don't need to see how many, just that there is a request.
Open requests should show on Loans display, Receiving App and on Inventory > Item records. For example, a patron is asking a staff member, why they cannot renew items. Staff member wants to look in the loan display if there are open requests causing the declined renewals. For TLR no information is available.
The receiving app should display that the instance has unfulfilled TLR, the same way it does for ILR. Now there is no indication that the received item should be handled with urgency.
In regard to Inventory and Receiving is that this would need to go to their respective SIGs and POs. Is there an API endpoint? If not could one be created?
The fact that TLR is not in the request column of loans “could” be considered a bug.. Splitting the requests out by type would def be considered an enhancement.
Are ILR and TLR requests in separate columns? Is it important to see how many there are?
2. When a Page request results in a missing item and there are no additional items, the request stays on the chosen item. The page cannot be turned into a hold. Staff must delete the request and create a new one. The enhancement would be to automatically convert the Page into a Hold (or Page on another item if there is one). Alternatively, one could manually "move the request" and change it to a Hold.
TLR will block a renewal attempt
cancel and replace on another item
With an ILR moving from a page to a hold, since its a new request it shouldn’t affect the item.. the only issue would be that the hold would be placed on the missing item.. May be preferable or not.. That said once the Hold was created you could move it to a different item.
See similar tickets:
https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-2733. Override non-requester checkout.
https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UIU-1838. Override when item with requests is checked out.
https://folio-org.atlassian.net/issues/UXPROD-2826 Revert Loan When Recall is Cancelled. If a recall is cancelled, the patron with the loan is not notified and the original due date is not restored
Other Info:
Revert Loan When Recall is Cancelled: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/issues/UXPROD-2826
Updated Loan Policy item limit documentation (Scroll down to Item limit. Compare to current text, any comments direct to Laurence Mini).