2024-08-26 Resource Access Meeting Notes


Find all recordings here: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/resource-access-sig/ (pw: folio-lsp)


https://zoom.us/j/337279319 (pw: folio-lsp)


Magnus Andersson


Laurence Mini

Anja Kakau

Susan Kimball


Erin Weller

Brooks Travis

Martina Tumulla

Robert Heaton

Charlotte Whitt

Christine Tobias

Tobi Hines

Jana Freytag

Cornelia Awenius

Jamie Jesanis

Olga Kalachinskaya

Discussion Items:








Meeting planning

Note Taker:

Laurence Mini


WOLCon Planning

WolfCon session planning: WOLFCon24 topics

Ideas for the Working Meeting:
  • Take a look at our processes: Gap list vs. implementers list; best ways to get desired features completed.
  • What about looking at old items in backlogs - bugs, tasks, etc., and deciding if they’re still valid issues
    Steph: Closer to the date, I can create a filter or dashboard for aged backlog tickets
  • outcome should be a process on how to structure our backlog, implementers topics and tasks for the future
  • another topic could be the prioritization process

Ideas for the RA general Meeting:

  • Cornelia will present flowchart on aged-to-lost process and its interaction with claimed returned – go through flowchart, and solicit suggestions for improvement.
  • Other suggestions welcomed over the next few weeks.

Calendar Session: Christine and Erin will give hands-on type session, demonstrating how to use calendars – "Calendar 101". Meeting will be recorded and uploaded to RA folder.

Reading Room Meeting: Can discuss ideas for this during the reading room working group meeting on the 8th.


Open discussion round

Meeting Notes

Meeting Planning

September 2 meeting to be cancelled due to U.S. Labor Day holiday. September 5, regular meeting cancelled (Reading subgroup meeting scheduled). September 23&26 cancelled due to WolfCon. October 3 is a holiday in Germany, the subgroup is scheduled to meet that day, if they decide to go ahead.

September 9, September 12 and September 30 are open for meeting.

Topics to be discussed: Actual cost. Susan will present bugs in current implementation that have made actual cost unworkable for 5C. Also, if time allows, discuss adding price to item record, so actual cost can be charged automatically, instead of having to enter cost manually. 

Presentation on new Ramsons features. Ramsons release planned for December 16.

October 7 topic on WolfCon recap.

Magnus will present work on new Floating collection feature. Floating collection would allow an item to have more than one home service point, i.e. an item could be checked in to either SP "location xyz" or SP "location 123" and not be set in transit either time, can be shelved at either location.

Post-WolfCon: Restart Gap List meetings; discuss prioritization.

WolfCon Planning:

For General RA SIG meeting, plan is still, in absence of other suggestions, to have Cornelia present on aged-to-list and claimed returned process. Cornelia has had a number of questions from libraries about this topic, so a discussion of how it works should be of interest.

Working Group meeting: Topic ideas as listed above. Start by looking at open Jiras and existing bugs.

Reminder Fee and Calendar workshops are also planned.

Thanks to all the presenters & moderators!

Open Discussion round:

Cornelia asked what the idea was regarding User Address types Claim/Order/Payment? Answer was that there was originally the thought these could be used for acquisitions functionality (have different addresses for where send an invoice, vs address for vendor headquarters, for example), but never implemented.

What are cross-listed courses (in Courses app) used for? In the U.S. it is common for the same course to be known by two different numbers or departments. Cross listed course can be looked up by the different departments or numbers it has.

Circulation log features: Noted that when an item is marked as missing in the Users app, this is recorded in the Circ log, but it is not recorded when an item is marked as missing in the Inventory app. Deliberate choice owing to different context – use Users app for loan action, do in Inventory as part of metadata management.

Staff information only added (under fees/fines): Only appears in Circ log if "New staff info" button used, not when add staff info as part of Refund action. Cornelia mentioned this is consistent with the way Patron info added works in Loans. (Note, in my testing I have found that Patron info added action is recorded whether it is done in Check out or in Users -Laurence)

Closed loan action: Does not seem to be recorded when a Claimed returned item is Marked as missing, even though the loan closes.

Oddly, when the Circ log is exported. Aged to lost becomes Age to lost.