2023-08-02 Product Council P&R Working Group Meeting Notes




Discussion items

Planning for WOLFcon SessionJesse

Initial slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10sAf0ujJB-1kHBoZETIRnTWUgMDoDeFF419VzCWnncM/edit#slide=id.gc6f8954bc_0_83

Introduction to our group / charge / progress - Jesse

Bringing together the threads: Show several roadmaps - Jenn/Kristin

  • To do: Do we merge any we get into a single view?  
  • EBSCO slide (OK to use?) - ask Christopher.
  • ERM
  • Any Index Data
  • Data Import (Kahlilah version)

Upcoming releases outlook - Jenn

  •  via Dashboards, 

Prioritization for longer view

  • SIGs priorities
  • Institutions priorities

Why is this hard?  Challenges go here.


  • FOLIO Project is both the vendor and the consumer of the Roadmap
  • Assigned work/unassigned work/stuff not described
  • Teams coming from different funding providers
  • Prioritization - detail level?


Notes from last meeting: 2023-07-05 Product Council P&R Working Group Meeting Notes


Action items
