2023-06-07 Product Council P&R Working Group Meeting Notes

2023-06-07 Product Council P&R Working Group Meeting Notes




Discussion items


WOLFCon submission for Roadmap group is submitted.

20 minAirtable next steps

Try to cost out the pilot?

Need contributor license to vote - too expensive

  • What should get ranked - features - UXPRODs, others?  NFRs?  

Options:  Google - can we integrate into Jira any better?  

Top 10 - selected by PO?  

Question: how are POs determining what should be included in an upcoming release and then how would what we try to do as a community be helpful?

PO Meeting de-brief

Takeaways from: 2023-05-10 Product Council P&R Working Group Meeting with POs

In addition to Jira, it would be nice to get a non-Jira overview of the release

Also want to show unprioritized work, and prioritized but unfunded.

Next meeting


  • Get info from EBSCO process
  • Update some different ways to show upcoming features via Jira.

Action items


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