2023-04-05 Product Council P&R Working GroupMeeting Notes

2023-04-05 Product Council P&R Working GroupMeeting Notes




Discussion items


Ā Review last week's items

Ā 2023-03-29 Product Council P&R Working GroupMeeting Notes

  • Much appreciated the drill down approach with Jira - could provide different views (e.g., just features, and then everything)
  • Would be easier to maintain and dynamic as dashboards
  • We will want to get PO input on ways the Roadmap can be made useful for them and on how the prioritization process can be will supported and useful

Will reach out to set up meeting after initial meeting with Airtable (see below)

Airtable proposal


  • Team review and comment on document
  • Jesse add to CC agenda - heads up, and anyone form CC want to join for discussion with Airtable
  • Topics to discuss with Airtable:
    • Can they explain the Builder and Contributor roles further and explain what the different roles can do?
    • What role do people need to have to be able to vote? What is the best way to perform voting on issues using Airtable?
    • Are there webinars/pre-recorded tools available that we could review as we decide how to use Airtable?
    • How many seats do they think that we will need? If that turns out to be too expensive, are there ways we could gather votes and then have a member of PC/other input voting results

Philosophical questions around voting:

  • Right now we are recommending to collect three votes:
    • Composite institutional rank - via Airtable
    • Composite SIG rank - via Airtable
    • PO rank
  • Who get the ability to vote?
    • All SIG members, including multiple from the same institution, regardless of membership status (could be expensive)
    • Institutions who are members - with one seat only?
    • Other criteria?

Debra Howell may have Airtable contact.

Action items

  • Jesse touch base with Debra for Airtable questions and contact
  • Add to CC agenda -heads up, and anyone from CC want to join for discussion with Airtable