2023-07-05 Product Council P&R Working Group Meeting Notes

2023-07-05 Product Council P&R Working Group Meeting Notes




Discussion items


FOLIO Summit/RetreatKristin

The group discussed the challenge ("wicked question") with the contradiction of an agile development process: the desire to look ahead, but agile requiring only a release or maybe two where work is assigned. So necessarily some work will be assigned a spring, but other work may be identified as a priority but be unassigned. We'll want to get prioritized but unassigned works surfaced. Knowing what is likely to be assigned by using the funding developers' roadmaps is helpful. That way teams won't spend time reviewing and prioritizing issues that will be worked on.

Group agreed that looking forward 18 months is a good time frame.

For WOLFCon, would like to provide an update on short-term development (work with information already put together by development teams and release planning), and provide some different ways that the SIGs can prioritize. Jenn's examples of Dashboard for MM can be shared. Charlotte will follow up with MM SIG and Jenn to work in examples.

Some other thoughts:

  • We returned to the Alma roadmap - can we use the SIGs/app list/consolidated Jira roadmap tags to consolidate to around 10 areas of development? We can zoom into Jira for that area.
  • We could work with SIGs to rotate through different development areas on a regular basis and update those areas. SIGs could add a SIG ranking to Jira, to replace all of the individual institutional rankings. If the PC/Roadmap group rotates through the different areas on a regular basis, the roadmap could be kept up-to-date.
  • We want to empower SIGs to help set priorities - we could use SIG meeting times for these conversations.
  • We agree that 12-18 months is about as far out as we can go.


Top 10 priorities? - this could be items otherwise not assigned. The status of Airtable is uncertain, given the expense with each voting institution or SIG member requiring a paid seat. This may be too pricey for the project.

Top X per SIG?

Action items
