2023-01-25 P&R Meeting notes

2023-01-25 P&R Meeting notes


Meeting link: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/7373801738?pwd=KvyGJ5LHW3I


Sharon Wiles-Young Kristin Martin Debra Howell Martina Schildt Jenn Colt Jesse Koennecke 


  • The newly formed/re-formed FOLIO Prioritization and Roadmap Working Group will have its first meeting on Wednesday, January 25, 9:00-10:00 AM Eastern time.  This will be a mostly organizational planning meeting to cover the items below.  

Discussion items


Review the charge: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/PC/FOLIO+Prioritization+and+Roadmap+Working+Group

  • Initial steps: select tool for managing prioritization process
  • Initial steps: review existing themes/subthemes for progress - compare our themes to the release notes for each version
    • were we on target?
    • What areas had development that we didn't cover? What areas did we want to have covered that had no work?
  • Assumptions: Roadmap and prioritization should guide SIG development
    • Release Planning is about the timeline for the release, and not about the scope of content in the release, which is determined via the SIGs

Determine meeting schedule
Regular meeting time - Wednesdays at 9 AM Central time. First every week, then every other week

Discuss and implement communication channels

Meeting notes on PC space: Kristin will organize

Slack channel: Roadmap group - make it open. If discussing potential ideas, add a disclaimer for an idea, not in practice

Action item: Kristin organize wiki space, Jesse will set up the open Slack channel.

Google Drive space: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1SMjINjxrQA8NAMDwfd3Te-oRaBQXKdPD

Do we need a roadmap visualization tool?

  • Idea: what is the desired state for FOLIO? Where are we now versus where do we want to be? Then check on an annual basis.
  • If we are able to do it yearly, and we have conversations with the SIGs, we can find out about why something is slipping/not getting down, to better identify trouble spots and how to fill them

Discuss membership and recruitment

Action items: Jesse will reach out to some individuals at smaller libraries. Martina is trying to recruit another German member

Bring up with PO group - Kristin can reach out to Khalilah to see if there is a PO who could be a good match

Action Item summary


  • Invite additional members to join the group
  • Set up Slack


  • Organize the wiki


  • Review prioritization recording and tool evaluation
  • Review overall prior roadmap, what areas would you like to dig in further?
  • Do we want to identify areas where there are no development resources assigned and so have not made progress
  • Do the theme names make sense? Can people find the themes?
  • What should be the scope of the roadmap (front

Action items
