2023-03-29 Product Council P&R Working GroupMeeting Notes

2023-03-29 Product Council P&R Working GroupMeeting Notes




Discussion items

De-brief from PC

 Early prioritization

Develop a lightweight process to prioritize Epics, Themes, or other high level categories of functionality.  This will give us something to build on for communication, detailed prioritization, etc...  

 - Gather previous iterations: EBSCO process, EPIC voting, ARLEF process - Jesse will gather.

What POs are doing that can help + Reusing existing dataJenn

Examples of PO-driven road maps:



Airtable experiments:

Issue grid by release: https://airtable.com/shr9mSTkXRcgAvvNK/tblGCgH07sIiLlEC6

Single theme Kanban view: https://airtable.com/shr5Xpx9eBTGPhEbU/tblGCgH07sIiLlEC6

Simple card view (in Pro you could color the cards according to release): https://airtable.com/shrMU9SJ21rdP5j7P/tblGCgH07sIiLlEC6

JIRA "roadmap" experiment for metadata management:


The column on the left is a compilation of MM Sig related modules issues, and the column on the right are UXProd only issues, with metadata management label. Illustrates questions of granularity.

Communication about Roadmap

Roadmap webinars

Possible for release note information?  Escalate this to PC or marketing/communications team?

Action items

  • Get on PO meeting agenda - TBD
  • Jesse Koennecke Gather previous "lightweight" prioritization items:  EBSCO process, EPIC voting, ARLEF process.