2023-02-22 Product Council P&R Working Group Meeting Notes

2023-02-22 Product Council P&R Working Group Meeting Notes




Discussion items

5 minReview agenda

30 minRoadmap review

Walk through Themes/Sub-themes to highlight key points about status of work https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1de6pDhx036SCJWBFgZTIIn0re2gAZVZfqFnGSM2oQJc/edit#gid=2142006984

Discussion today:

Issues with evaluating previous roadmap:

  • Varying number of issues in the different buckets
  • Used "future" tag for things that didn't have issues attached
  • Hard to figure out how much progress was actually made
  • Hard to tell what is "done"
  • Hard to understand the varying priorities in a bucket
  • Buckets that are cross app hard to see the progress in a particular area
  • Do buckets need a home sig? Would that make it easier to identify the themes?
  • Ways to make the buckets logical even if they won't be perfect
  • Can "definition of done" be influenced by roadmap items? ie, app should include ability to export
  • Somethings just haven't been defined because the work is too far out
  • Is anything ever done?
  • Things added after prioritization was done will not have been folded in
  • Know that teams looked at previous roadmap and grabbed work based on it, also prioritized by working with SIGs
  • "Functionality there but improvements still coming" - how to represent states like this
  • How could we make a more targeted roadmap without feeling like we're missing things. How indicate bigger directions, changes that are significant out of so many things?
  • What is the review cadence? Workflow for maintenance that is workable and sustainable
  • themes from sigs, POs, wonder if something entirely separate is difficult. What about using epics instead of generating themes? might reduce burden. Could be items without epics but those are monitored for.
  • highlights vs everything, perhaps detail level based on audience. ie themes or epics vs harry's roadmap
  • different POs handle epics differently, some POs use them less
  • themes are separate so they aren't receiving care but epics are maintained by POs so that might make maintenance easier
  • how to align release notes with themes, features, roadmap
  • how to tie release notes to what sigs are discussing/wanting, how to tie cross app
  • some not touched since 2021 on previous roadmap. Permissions for instance has a totally new app coming which hasn't been tied to any of the buckets. Authentication, configuration changes are similar.
  • TLR requests there was effort to get it done, but it's not production ready or implementable for many
  • Could POs say which aspects of the roadmap are impacted by a given release?
  • How do new directions get communicated back to the roadmap?
  • Add release notes links to roadmap pages
  • Khalilah is working on improving release notes


  • Waiting for some more AirTable feedback
  • Continuing to look at how people want to prioritize
20 minFOLIO Apps/Dev Teams review
Walk through FOLIO apps/development teams document
5 minNext meeting planning

Action items
