2023-05-10 Product Council P&R Working Group Meeting with POs

2023-05-10 Product Council P&R Working Group Meeting with POs


Discussion items

Roadmap Discussion with POs
  • Ideas to build roadmap for two upcoming releases.
  • Want to hook into the work that POs are already in Jira, provide some organization and structure to make it easier for implementers to understand and there's a way to get a big picture view of what is happening in FOLIO.
  • Goal is not add to PO work, but to help strengthen the communication between various parts of FOLIO
  • First questions on mechanics of what is happening in Jira: Prioritization
    • Look under the SIG dashboard, for example for MM for Orchid and Poppy
    • Release field vs. Fix Version: Fix version was first, Release was added to manage everything not in UXPROD
      • Fix Version should be reliable for UXProd, ignore Release
    • Also noticing that people are using labels? E.g., SIG to label list - does this chart look like a valid thing to consider when we are building dashboards?
      • Some POs use consistently, some have forgotten. Labels are also not controlled vocabulary, so they are not consistent
    • Identifying apps in Jira is tricky, since apps are not a thing in Jira
    • What's in Jira that we can use automatically? And what are things that we need to organize/massage manually?
  • Khalilah's board: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=287
    • There are quick filters that Khalilah has to develop app-level Kanban board. We could use this filter for documenting the general search
    • Kanban board could be a different way to display this
    • We could try to map modules to apps and work that into a Kanban board
    • Maybe some maintenance could live with SIG conveners, and handle some of the maintenance
    • (Kristin's comments not said in meeting: maybe way to do a connection to add app/SIG information for the Teams vs. module responsibilities matrix)
  • Prioritization process
    • Do POs still use the old institutional numbers? Used to use, but they've gotten out-of-date, less representative
      • Number of things we can work on is very few as resources dwindle
      • Backlog is big, so working using Kiwi pointing exercise plus opportunistic identification
      • Suggestion for more of like an order vs. ranking 1-5.
      • Use the prioritization number in Jira to indicate whether a dev team should pull into development sooner rather than later
      • Difference between features, stories, and bugs: if we use the features for the roadmap there are different practices historically there
  • Do privately funded dev teams/POs - what are you doing in your home organization vs. Jira? can we make more visible?
    • One PO indicated that roadmapping is all visible in Jira
    • One PO said it's a challenge to keep Jira uptodate
    • We strive to put things in Jira but some orgs manage it better than others (larger topic on how teams might be doing things differently)
    • Thinking of Jira as your own tool, but not thinking of the community as an audience.
    • All Library of Congress features are represented in Jira
    • When we put the fix version on features, it's a goals, but we can't always be 100% sure

Action items
