2018-10-04 Metadata Management Meeting Notes

2018-10-04 Metadata Management Meeting Notes



  • please put an 'x' next to your name in the list below the "Discussion items" if you are attending. Thanks!


Discussion items

Product Council UpdateFormer user (Deleted)

Most of today's meeting was Gar Sydnor, EBSCO VP presenting to the PC about EBSCO's roadmap, funding, and communication moving forward. There will OAI-PMH work that needs to be done. There is a desire to have engagement around this. Hkaplanian will be speaking with Product Owners around this topic. Harry would be the Product Owner for this new feature. It would not be disruptive to current development. Harry will present this to the MM group at some point.

A request came in for the potential development of support of a Union Catalog app. This would relate to Consortia SIG first.

Laura pointed out that this idea may coincide with some work that the MARCCat subgroup has done in relation to librarians' work with OCLC in the United States.

Several members of the group expressed the need for a visualization of all of the SIGs and their work, so we can see where needs and functions intersect. This may help clarify what is the most efficient way to proceed when a need is expressed.

Action: Dracine will go back to the Product Council for clarification. Dracine thought it may be more effective to express the particular overlap that we're seeing with this example of Chalmers and their union catalog and US libraries and OCLC.

Subgroup updates

Data Import

  • Developers have the first screen. The landing page.
  • Icon has been designed.
  • Working on settings for mappings.
  • Discussions with MARCCat group happened this week concerning Source Record Storage.

MARCCat Subgroup

  • Working with Filip still, though design looks good. A few details remaining to work out.

Package Group

  • May need another meeting.
  • Laura posted questions on the SLACK channel.

Deletion of Instance, Holdings, and Item records


What actions are required?

Mark for deletion vs. Delete – use cases?

Where does deletion occur? (Inventory vs MARCcat)

What permissions needed: 1) Mark for deletion; 2) Delete ... more?


  • "Mark for Deletion" will be added to the list of Actions:
  • Deletion functionality has not been determined.
  • Request app has a similar function in "Cancel request". When this is clicked, a confirmation window pops up, giving the user a chance to enter a reason as to why, selecting from a drop down menu or typing in a description.
  • The scope of this is deletion of Instance, Holding, and Item records. There will be warning message that says what will be affected if that deletion is carried out.
  • Are there instances where the system should not allow a deletion?
  • Will this cross apps? (Such as Acquisitions, Patrons (Loans)
  • Charlotte identified three needed permissions so decisions can be made at the institution level.
    • "Mark for Delete"
    • Delete
    • 'Superpower' deletion.
  • The relationship of Inventory and MARCCat comes into play. If an Inventory Instance is tied to a record in MARCCat, where should the deletion happen? We would want a holistic view that shows everything that will be affected with the deletion. Jason - illogical to be able to delete a record in Inventory, but not be able to edit one with a MARC backup in

  • Lisa (TAMU) - via chat - "

From Lisa TAMU to Everyone: 12:39 PM
Could it ever be the case we wnt to delete out of inventory, but retain in MARCstroage?
From Laura Wright to Everyone: 12:40 PM
Lisa, I'm not able to think of a use case for this off the top of my head. Are you? I'd think in that case I'd want to suppress, not delete?

"No. But it makes me think that we might want a button in the AMRCStorage where we say that we don't want a record flowing into the Inventory."

Container record UX/UI

Planned for Q1 2019 release.

Review (get feedback) on UX - draft:

What will be the best solution when mixing two rather different object types in one result list (the 2nd pane)?

Elements in the container record are listed in Inventory Beta Metadata Element spread sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RCZyXUA5rK47wZqfFPbiRM0xnw8WnMCcmlttT7B3VlI/edit#gid=163842260

Outstanding tasks: Finish description of each element, set Required (yes/no), Repeatable (yes/no) and more.

Primary contributor in Instance records?

...if there's time (this was a discussion that was started but not resolved last spring)




      Alice Krim
xAnn-Marie Breaux
xAnn KardosUMass Amherst
xCharlotte Whitt
xChristie Thomas

Damian Biagi

Dennis ChristmanDuke University
xDracine HodgesDuke University

Felix Hemme
xFilip Jakobsen

Jacquie SamplesDuke University

Jason Kovari

Jessica JaneckiDuke University

Kimie Ou Yang
xLaura Wright

Lisa FurubottenTexas A&M

Lisa McColl

Lisa Sjögren

Lynn Whittenberger
xMary AlexanderUniv. of Alabama

xNatascha Owens

Niels Erik Nielsen
xPatty Wanninger

Sarah SchmidtDuke University
xTiziana Possemato

Jenn Colt

Sarah Ross

Martina Schildt

xSara ColglazierMHC/5C

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