Title level ongoing order details
Title level ongoing order details
Users are not able to add or remove POLs from open ongoing orders. Often times the titles related to larger ongoing orders will fluctuate over time.
- An order is "renewed" at the PO level, but often times specific titles will cease or be canceled by a vendor, while the rest of the order remains open. Meaning Libraries don't always want to renew an entire order and they don't want to create an entirely new order every time this happens
Use Cases & Requirements:
Requirement | Status | Use cases |
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Proposed workflow:
- Ongoing order accordion would appear on POL
- Accordion includes the following fields:
- Subscription
- Manual renewal
- Renewal interval
- Renewal date
- Subscription from
- Subscription to
- Renewal status (New)
- Renewal note (Updated label)
- Only certain ongoing order details would still appear at the PO
- Review period
- Review date
- Notes
- PO ongoing order details would include a list of fiscal years in which this order has been open (TBD)
User Questions:
Question | Status | Conclusion | Comments |
Vendor Questions:
Question | Status | Conclusion | Comments |
Development Questions:
Question | Status | Conclusion | Comments |
Work Breakdown Structure:
UI Stories
MOD Stories