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The Acquisitions Group Meets via Zoom every Tuesday 1-2pm Eastern U.S. time and every other Friday 9-10am Eastern U.S. time. 


Current: Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Housekeeping -

  • We're planning for the next looking to plan another FYRO session in Acq. SIG, please sumbit any questions you have ahead of time if possibleany preference on Tuesday or Friday (POs only available the first half of meeting)?
  • Next meeting, Tuesday, June 4, at 1 pm Eastern


  • Special meeting at Asia/Pacific friendly time: 2024-03-21 Product Council Meeting Notes (8pm ET, quarterly Asia Pacific Friendly time)
    • Discussion of the Application Formalization overview
    • This work has been a tricouncil working group
    • Proof of concept will be discussed via Technical Council: Vince Bareau and Craig McNally have confirmed a discussion of the POC at the TC discussion session time on April 24 at 11 AM ET
    • There is a spreadsheet that provides more details about the Proof of Concept and people can ask questions
    • Initial work may not change the user experience with FOLIO much, but designed to make FOLIO more modular and easier to install
  • 2024-04-04 Meeting notes
    • Preview of Linked Data App (presentation linked in notes)
      • If you are interested in following/participating in the development, there is a Linked Open Data in FOLIO Subgroup under Metadata Management and a Slack channel, #linked_data
    • Overview of APIs in FOLIO - informational about types of APIs and what they do

Business -

  • Presentation - Number generators in Organizations and Receiving plus Q&A (Thank you @Martina Tumulla!)


  • Reminder - still time to particiate UATs on Organizations and POL functionality of the Lists app thru the end of Tuesday (March 26).  Details see and
  • FYI - Test case claiming for Bugfest Quesnalia started Monday, March 25, and will continue thru Friday, March 29.  Actual Bugfest Quesnalia will begin on Monday, April 1 and runs thru Friday, April 12.  You can request a testrail account thru Oleksandr Bashtynskyi in Slack.  Join bug-fest Slack channel would be recommended to get more info or help with bugfesting or reach out to Kimberly Pamplin directly.
  • Next scheduled meeting - this Friday, March 29, at 9 am Eastern

Business -

  • Continue discussing WOLFCon 2024 survey results and session proposals


Business -

  • Thunderjet developer, Damien Guillaume, will join the meeting & provide more detailed explanation of updates being made to the “All or nothing” logic in the finance application.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Housekeeping -


Business -

  • Björn Muschall presents "Custom Fields progress" (Thank you Björn Muschall !)


  • Dennis & Joe have conflict with Thunderjet team sprint planning meeting that they can only attend the first 30 mins
  • Next meeting - Tuesday, Nov. 6, at 1 pm Eastern
  • Reminder - if you have any item/topic you'd like to suggest for Acquisitions SIG meeting agenda, please feel free to reach out via Slack or bring up in our meetings

Business -


  • Next scheduled meeting, Friday, Feb. 2nd, at 9 am Eastern
  • In the process of planning a demo/Q&A with Bjorn Muschall re: custom fields functionality and how it's implemented (related to Implementers' Topics #113)
  • FYI - From Oleksii Petrenko - Poppy R2 2023 Release Digest is available - Poppy (R2 2023)#FOLIO-PoppyR22023Releasedigest 

Business -


Please use the time to participate User Acceptance Testing for Claiming currently running thru January 24 (next Wednesday).  Instructions and details please see - Quesnelia UAT - Receiving - Claiming


  • Reminder - Today is the last day to participate UAT for donor functionality (details see Quesnelia UAT - Organizations - Donor Information.  You can also join #acquisitions-uat Slack channel if you'd like.  Contact Joseph Reimers if you have any question regarding this UAT)
  • Prioritize acq-sig-topics
    • Go to Acquisitions Implementers' Topics wiki - Acquisitions/Resource Management implementers
    • Create an account here if you haven't done it before
    • On the right hand side of Acquisitions Implementers Topics page where a bunch of UXPROD-xxx are listed, go to the bottom of this section click on the total number (currently 49 issues but this number will change as more UXPROD are created) and you'll be seeing all UXPRODs with acq-sig-topics as one of the labels. 
    • Open any one from the list, as long as you created an account, you'll be able to cast your vote by choosing "Vote for this issue" (clicking on it to "un-vote" if necessary) to indicate this issue is important to your institution.  You can also choose to "Start watching this issue" if you just wanted to keep abreast with the development of this issue but it's not critically important to your institution)
    • If any question, please reach out via Slack or during Acq. SIG meetings
  • A question regarding creating Jira tickets was raised last week. Will get clarification from our POs
  • FYI - Serials Data Alignment Small Group wiki page (can be found on the left menu bar from Acq SIG wiki page, Thank you Heather McMillan!!)
  • Next scheduled meeting - this Friday (Jan. 19) at 9 am Eastern


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Housekeeping -

  • Reminder - User Acceptance Testing for donor functionality will run January 10-16, details see Quesnelia UAT - Organizations - Donor Information.  Updates regarding this UAT will be posted in #acquisitions-uat Slack channel, feel free to reach out to Joseph Reimers if you have any question
  • Reminder - The first small group meeting to discuss "Data Alignment Through Serials, Receiving, Inventory and Discovery" will take place this Friday at 9 am Eastern (use the Zoom link for Acq. SIG Friday meetings)
  • Poppy Release Notes for those who are migrating to Poppy soon (or already)
  • Next meeting, Tuesday, Jan. 16th, at 1 pm Eastern


Business -

  • Dennis will fill in about the small group meetings re: "Data Alignment Through Serials, Receiving, Inventory and Discovery"
  • Discuss upcoming UATs (Joseph Reimers )


  • Next meeting, Friday (Dec. 8) at 9 am Eastern - German Acquisitions community's will present a feature request about further integration "e-mail" in the integration details in the Organization app
  • Confirm Acq. SIG meetings during holiday break - meetings scheduled for Dec. 22, Dec. 26 and January 2 are cancelled.  First Acq. SIG meeting in 2024 will be Friday, January 5 (9 am Eastern)


  • No meeting this coming Friday (11/24)
  • Next meeting - Tuesday, 11/28, at 1 pm Eastern
  • Currently planned for Dec. 8 (Friday) at 9 am Eastern - Bjorn Muschall on behalf of German Acquisitions community's will present a feature request about further integration "e-mail" in the integration details in the Organization app for sending orders via email 

Business -

  • Kim Wilianen will present Michigan State Univ. Library's workflow using Data Import to create orders with MARC records for various types of orders (Thank you Kim!!)
  • Link to the video Ann-Marie created that Kim shared during her presentation today


  • Reminder - Next meeting, Tuesday (11/21) at 1 pm Eastern, Kim Wiljanen will demo Michigan State University Libraries' workflow using Data Import to create orders with MARC records for different type of orders
  • Looking for a volunteer to take meeting notes today
  • We will not meet on Friday (11/24), Day after Thanksgiving

Business -

  • FOLIO Acquisitions documentation discussions with Molly Driscoll - gather recommendations for post-Poppy enhancements and clarifications & some ideas Molly had to present to the group (Thank you, Molly!!)

Recording: acquisitions-sig/2023-11-14


  • Reminder - Poppy Bug Fest continues thru this Friday (Nov. 3)
  • If interested, join Product Council meeting this Thursday at 10 am Eastern to provide feedback re: User Acceptance Testing discussions or leave feedback via Slack to Kristin Martin
  • Presentation by Molly Driscoll and Poppy documentation discussions scheduled for Nov. 14 (Tuesday at 1 pm Eastern)
  • Tentatively planned for Nov. 21 (Tuesday at 1 pm Eastern) meeting - Kim Wiljanen will demo Michigan State University Libraries' workflow using Data Import to create orders with MARC records for different type of orders
  • Next meeting - Tuesday, Nov. 7 at 1 pm Eastern (please note US. Daylight Saving Time ends this coming Sunday, Nov. 5)


  • Dennis plans to review new Acquisitions related features planned for Quesnelia Release (spring 2024)

Notes: 2023-10-27 Acquisitions Meeting notes


  • Reminder - on Friday, Sept. 29, at 9 am, Owen Stephens will demo supplementary properties and term filter builder functions used in Agreements with folks who are using the functions sharing how they use them, etc.
  • Reminder - App Interaction survey UI for Save button open thru 9/19/23 - your input appreciated!
  • Next scheduled meeting - next Tuesday (9/19) at 1 pm Eastern


  • Next scheduled meeting - Tues. 9/12, at 1 pm Eastern
  • Reminder - Owen Stephens will demo supplementary properties & term filter builder functions in Agreements" functions and how implementers' use those functions - planned Friday, 9/29, at 9 am Eastern
  • FYI - The next App Interaction SIG meeting (9/6/23 at 12 pm Eastern) will have Sara and Dennis joining to review container records. See agenda link here.  Feel free to join if you are available.  Zoom link
  • Any interest among the group to have a Part 2 of Package POLs discussions with Sara and the group?


  • Next meeting, Friday, Sept. 1 at 9 am Eastern - Package POLs with Sara Colglazier
  • Friday, Sept. 29, at 9 am Eastern - Owen Stephens will demo supplementary properties & term filter builder functions used in Agreements & real life application of the function shared by some institutions

Business -

  • Feedback re: WOLFCon 2023 from in person and virtual attendees
    • WOLFcon presentation by Dennis and Ann-Marie:  Order and Invoices: Import? Export? What to do?  EDI presentation.pptx
  • Discussed structure of Acquisitions SIG meetings & ways to improve
  • Answered questions Dennis had regarding managing donor information in FOLIO
  • If time permits, discuss Implementers Topics (continue discussing #108 Kimberly Pamplin which started in the last meeting?!,  #110 Sven Thomsen) –  didn't happen


  • PC Approved Browser support statement: clarifies that while testing is done in Chrome, bugs in other browsers will be investigated
  • Call for members: Workflow SIG charge(Martina Schildt to introduce)

Business -


  • Elections for all councils!
    • Nominations are due by April 19, 2023 using this nomination form.
    • Criteria: be from a member institution. Each member institution may have only one person elected in a seat per Council.
    • Terms are two years. Individuals can serve for up to four consecutive terms
  • WOLFCon in Chicago, August 22-24
    • Heather volunteered to serve on FOLIO liaison group, but other individuals interested in planning WOLFCon? Contact me!
  • Tri-Council Meeting
    • Reviewed FOLIO Terminology document and Evaluation Process for New FOLIO Features
  • 2023-04-06 Product Council Meeting
    • More discussion around Product Owner recruitment and support


  • Reminder - Amelia Sutton will showcase UMass' Batch Voucher Export Workflow - scheduled for ou next meeting, Friday, March 14, at 9 am Eastern

Business -

Notes: 2023-04-11 Acquisitions Meeting notes


  • Next meeting, Tuesday, April 11, at 1 pm Eastern

Business -

  • Status of the acq-sig-topic stories and a quick update Dennis made to the implementers page
  • Discuss/review Implementers Topics (#84 & #85 @John Banionis , #86 Sara Colglazier )

Notes2023-04-04 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Notes: 2023-03-31 Acquisitions Meeting notes



  • Martina Schildt's presentation re: "Claiming levels requirements analysis" planned for Tuesday, March 28 at 1 pm Eastern
  • Amelia Sutton will showcase UMass' Batch Voucher Export Workflow (planned for Friday, April 14 at 9 am Eastern)
  • Appinteraction_crossapp will meet on March 22 from noon - 1 pm Eastern to discuss printing use cases, requirements and related UX/UI questions.  The group is collecting printing use cases and requirements here.
  • Next meeting - Tuesday, March 28, at 1 pm Eastern


Notes:  2023-03-17 Acquisitions Meeting notes


  • Next meeting - Tuesday, 3/14/23 at 1 pm Eastern
  • Orchid bugfest started March 6 and will run thru Friday, March 17, please participate if you can (reach out to Oleksandr Bashtynskyi via Slack if you encounter any issue bugfest Orchid)
  • FYI - Friday, March 17 (9 am Eastern) - Discuss Implementers Topics #81; Topic #75 discussion is planned for Friday, March 31.  


  • ACQ SIG survey feedback & discussion
  • Special thanks to Molly Driscoll who is working on "Getting Started"/Tips & Tricks FOLIO wiki Guide (will be shared when available)

Notes: 2023-02-28 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Business -

  • Presentation – "Lehigh's Patron Driven Acquisitions JIRA workflow" (Big thanks to Dan Huang & Maccabee Levine )
  • slides -
    Widget Connector

    Lehigh's Purchase Request platform -


  • Reminder - order history functionality UAT opens Jan. 18 and will run thru Jan. 26 (details see Dennis' post of Friday, Jan. 13 in Slack)
  • Mark your calendar for next Tuesday, Jan. 24, at 1 pm - "Lehigh's Patron Driven Acquisitions JIRA workflow" presentation by Dan Huang and Maccabee Levine of Lehigh University (Dan Huang Maccabee Levine )


  • First Tri-Council meeting held 2022-01-13
    • Trying to define FOLIO terms
  • Demo of translations app created by Knowledgeware on 2022-01-05
  • Need to reconsider work for functional requirements for new FOLIO modules
  • Roadmap/Prioritization group still getting underway - want to take SIG conversations take-aways to that group
  • Onboarding Task Group will have update at the end of the month

Business -


  • Happy New Year 2023!
  • Next meeting, Tuesday, Jan. 10 at 1 pm Eastern
  • Mark your calendar, Jan. 27 (Friday, 9 am Eastern) German networks will present - Findings of their testing of FYRO functionality 

Business -


  • Continue the discussion regarding claiming phase 1 from Oct. 4 meeting  (Björn Muschall Sven Thomsen )
  • Review “Order history/change log” feature that was defined a while back

Notes: 2022-10-11 Acquisitions Meeting notes


  • 2022-10-06 Meeting notes
    • Conversation around need for documentation coordinator. Contract for Marcia Borensztajn to end. Looking for support to take on role locally (CC will work on position description) or to extend contact
  • 2022-09-29 Product Council Meeting notes
    • Updates from other councils, including work from Technical Council on the Architectural Blueprint, release information, and Treasurer's report at Community Council
    • SIG conversations are underway


Notes: 2022-09-23 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Notes: 2022-09-20 Acquisitions Meeting notes


  • Discuss workflow of noting Implementers Topics status
  • Discuss the display of EDIFACT export detail on PO and POL. The export history of a purchase order.
  • Continue to discuss Implementers' Topics - see Acquisitions/Resource Management Implementers

Notes: 2022-09-13 Acquisitions Meeting notes


PC Updates (Kristin Martin) -

Business -

Notes: 2022-09-09 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Implementer topics discussed: 

no.50 - Invoice approve/pay with pending Order and no.54 Creating and filtering pieces

Notes:  2022-09-06 Acquisitions Meeting notes



Business -

Notes: 2022-08-23 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Notes: 2022-08-16 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Notes: 2022-08-09 Acquisitions Meeting notes


  • 2022-07-07 Meeting notes
  • 2022-07-14 Product Council/SIG UpdatesMeeting notes
    • Conversations around PC role for the FOLIO product/project and using WOLFCon to clarify role and set strategic goals for next year
    • New officers: Jesse Koennecke stepping down from co-chair, Alexis Manheim coming on as co-chair; Kristin Martin continuing as co-chair and Peter Murray as secretary
    • Interest from Implementers SIG as well for implemented institutions to share rollover experiences

Business -

Notes: 2022-07-15 Acquisitions Meeting notes


  • Reminder - next meeting, Friday, July 15 (9 am Eastern)

Business -

Notes: 2022-07-12 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Business -

Review key features re:

  • The ability to change instance connection of POL
  • The ability to create Orders from Instance
  • The ability to create invoices from Orders

Discuss Implementers' Topics - see Acquisitions/Resource Management Implementers

Notes: 2022-06-28 Acquisitions Meeting notes


  • Feedback regarding question from App Interaction SIG - "Is there any desire or need to have field-based permissions?" (posted in ACQ SIG slack channel on 4/25/22)

Business -


Business/Implementers' Topics -


If anyone is interested, please reach out to us. We also welcome questions about the position. 


Friday, December 10, 2021 


Meeting schedule for the rest of 2021 - Last meeting of 2021 will be Tuesday, December 14th.  We will resume our meetings on Tuesday, January 4, 2022. 


  • PC Updates: SIG update from 2021-12-09 meeting.
  • New process for reviewing modules: PC review from a functional standpoint and then passes on to TC for review from technical side
  • Need new Product Owners for the following areas

      • Loans, Check-in, Check-out, Loan information on Item Details (interim - Cheryl Malmborg)
      • Requests (interim - Brooks Travis)
      • Item State (interim - Charlotte Whitt)
      • Courses (interim - Charlotte Whitt)
  • Support SIG is looking for more members! Check with Anya.

Implementers Topics (regular Friday topic) 

We are going to go back and start covering the topic beginning with #14 and onward.  We are allocating 30 minutes with a hard stop on these. 

Regular topics 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021 

Tuesday, November 30, 2021 


  • Friday, November 26th meeting will be canceled due to the US Thanksgiving holiday.  
  • Survey on Acquisitions SIG management: please take some time to complete this survey regarding the Acquisitions SIG.  Dennis, Heather, and Susan are interested in knowing your thoughts in order to improve.  It should take about 15 minutes of time.  The survey is set to close on 11/20/2021, so please do it this up-coming week! Thanks. 
  • The survey is available here: and was posted on the Slack channel as well. 


Tuesday, November 9, 2021 


Tuesday, November 2, 2021 


  • PC Update - 5 miuntues 
  • Bulk Edit Update - 5 minutes 
  • EDIFACT invoices and Kiwi (Ann-Marie) - 20 minutes 

Implementers Topics

We are going to go back and start covering the topic beginning with #14 and onward.  We are allocating 15 minutes with a hard stop on these. 

Regular business 


Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Tuesday, October 19, 2021 


  • Review and discuss "Date ordered" behavior when user unopen and reopen orders. Dennis will work on a story for the approval date that we can approve as a group. 8/24
  • Discuss the ability to export country as name rather then code in the voucher export. Defer topic till December.
  • Vouchers batch export question:  I've noticed that Invoice Date is not included in the invoice voucher file generated by the batch export process. That data element is expected by Duke's AP system. A voucher date is included on the file, but the voucher date and invoice date will not likely be the same.
  • Discussion on the note app functionality in Acq 

All Meeting Notes

Content Report Table


Up-Coming: Tuesday, October 19, 2021 

  • EDIFACT invoices and Kiwi (Ann-Marie) - 20 minutes  (hard stop) 

CURRENT:  Friday, October 15, 2021 


  • UAT Receiving results
  • "Workslip" functionality from notes - see Slack conversation from 9/22/2021 10:53am and continuing  - NOT COVERED 
  • Question:  Does it make to remove case sensitivity for acquisition units? Ie. should law, LAW or Law always be considered the same name?
  • Continue Discussing renewal integration (Ongoing order information)  - NOT COVERED 


  • EDI Orders 
  • Review and discuss "Date ordered" behavior when user unopen and reopen orders. Dennis will work on a story for the approval date that we can approve as a group. 8/24
  • Discuss the ability to export country as name rather then code in the voucher export. Defer topic till December.
  • Vouchers batch export question:  I've noticed that Invoice Date is not included in the invoice voucher file generated by the batch export process. That data element is expected by Duke's AP system. A voucher date is included on the file, but the voucher date and invoice date will not likely be the same.
  • Discussion on the note app functionality in Acq 

All Meeting Notes

Content Report Table
