Quesnelia UAT - Lists - Track the value of unapproved orders


Test environment: https://folio-dev-corsair-uat-diku.ci.folio.org/

Test credentials: listuat/testing

Jira feature:  UXPROD-4104 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Feedback form: https://forms.office.com/r/fbcTvTpTSZ

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UAT Overview

Lists Overview

Known Issues

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The feedback form generally follows the steps listed below. We suggest filling out the form as you work your way through the test.

Optional setup

  1. Log into the test environment (linked above)
  2. Navigate to the Orders app
  3. Create one or more orders
  4. Associate one or more PO Lines to each order. Do not approve or open the orders.
    1. For purposes of this test, each PO supports up to 100 PO lines.
  5. For each PO line, be sure to assign a fund.
    1. Note that PO lines without assigned funds will also have no pending encumbrances because no funds are impacted

Main test

  1. Log into the test environment (linked above)
  2. Navigate to the Lists (Beta) app
  3. Click "New"
  4. Enter a list name. Assign a record type of "purchase order line"
  5. Be sure visibility is shared and status is active
  6. Click Build query
  7. Enter search terms likely to result in a valid list of results. Feel free to experiment with different terms and operators.
    1. As the specific case being tested relates to pending encumbrances, it is recommended that, at a minimum, "PO Workflow status == Pending" should be tested.
    2. Additional criteria, including estimated price and currency, can also be tested.
  8. Click "test query". This may take a few moments
  9. When you have a valid query, click "Run query & save". This may take several moments.
  10. A green bar will appear at the top of the screen: "Refresh complete with X records." Click "Refresh screen.
  11. The list of records will appear
    1. Click Actions → Edit and make any change to the list (e.g. editing the description) and select the columns you wish to export
      1. Note: The above is not part of the normal lists process, but is related to a bug currently being worked on. This step will allow the test to proceed normally
      2. The above bug has been resolved.
  12. Click Actions → Export list (CSV). This may take several moments.
  13. Open the exported CSV.
  14. Verify that you can perform any necessary calculations or transformations to determine pending expenditures.