Script to update mapping rules with required condition for specified fields
Script to update mapping rules with required condition for specified fields
- MODSOURMAN-1086Getting issue details... STATUS
This CLI tool has been created to update the MARC rules 100, 111, and 110, by marking subfield $a of these rules as required subfield. that were introduced for Quesnelia release.
Script execution
CLI tool executable artifact for Quesnelia: folio-mapping-rules-update-quesnelia.jar
java -jar folio-mapping-rules-update-quesnelia.jar configuration.json
CLI tool/script requirements:
- Java 17
in case, if you need script written in java 11: folio-mapping-rules-update-quesnelia11.jar
In order to run the CLI tool you need the following:
- Create JSON file with configuration (see: configuration file)
- Open terminal (Mac OS or UNIX Systems) or Power shell (Windows)
- Go to the folder where the CLI tool executable artifact is located
- Run the CLI tool/script with the configuration file path parameter (just file name if the script is located in the same folder)
Configuration file
- okapiUrl - your library okapi url. (Can be seen in the app settings → software versions → okapi services → okapi)
- tenant - target tenant
- username - admin user name
- password - admin user name password
Configuration file example:
{ "okapiUrl": "https://folio-snapshot-okapi.dev.folio.org", "tenant": "diku", "username": "admin", "password": "secret" }
for consortia tenants add, additional centralTenant field in configuration.json
{ "okapiUrl": "https://folio-snapshot-okapi.dev.folio.org", "tenant": "diku", "centralTenant": "consortia_tenant" "username": "consortia_admin", "password": "consortia_secret" }
, multiple selections available,
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