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Consortia is comprised of two or more member libraries
Consortia members collaborate and work together
mod-consortia is optional - single-tenant deployments of FOLIO are not required to run this module and should be unaffected.
In this case the tenant check has not been changed
The functionality allows one tenant to make calls to make API calls against another tenant by changing the x-okapi-tenant header (cross the tenant boundary)
The authentication and authorization processes are still in place
Marc Johnson how does the tenant check remain unchanged if mod-consortia is not being used?
Olamide Kolawole user/consortia member affiliations are captured in mod-users
What part of the system is verifying that the user is associated with the tenant which they're trying to interact with?
Mod-authtoken is responsible for this.
Jeremy Huff mod-authtoken does this by calling mod-users?
Olamide Kolawole In some cases, e.g. if authorization fails, yes.
mod-authtoken was already calling mod-users for other purposes
Olamide Kolawole Even if you're able to spoof the kafka message and mod-authtoken allows a user to call another tenant, the (shadow) user still needs to pass authorization (permission) checks in the target tenant
This happens without requiring the user to authenticate (log in) again against the target tenant.
Olamide Kolawole in the interest of time, we should try to focus on the tenant separation part of this during this meeting
How are permissions handled?
Users and their corresponding shadow users are managed independently
Shadow users are not created with credentials - you won't be able to log in directly as a shadow user.
Users are still managed via mod-users. Kafka messages are published when users are created. These messages are consumed by mod-consortia, which then interacts with mod-users to create the shadow users in other tenants.
Axel Dörrer when is mod-consortia allowed to create shadow users in other tenants? From any tenant context?
mod-consortia creates shadow users in other tenants when a user's affiliations are set/changed. Mod-consortia performs the tenant context switch in order to create the shadow user.
How does mod-consortia do this if permissions don't cross tenant boundaries?
Mod-consortia has module permissions to create users in other tenants
In effect module permissions DO cross tenant boundaries
Marc Johnson currently module permissions are defined in the context of a given tenant (the module is enabled for a tenant)
Olamide Kolawole mod-consortia is enabled in all tenants involved.
System users exist in each of the tenants
Craig McNally we're running out of time, how shall we proceed?
Jeremy Huff Now that we have more background, I'm better prepared to have an in-depth conversation about the concerns.
Suggestion: Get another Monday meeting scheduled to continue this discussion. Probably on