2023-06-07 Meeting notes



Discussion items

1 minScribeAll

Florian Gleixner is next, followed by Jeremy Huff 

5-10 minTCR Board Review


  • TCR-27 - Getting issue details... STATUS
5 minLiaison Updates
  • updates from CC: 
  • updates from the PC Tod Olson :
    • Extensive discussion of state of Data Import and EBSCO actions to address, see 2023-06-01 Product Council Meeting notes for details
    • Also discussion of proposal to postpone Poppy and/or merge with Quesnelia, PC will vote over Slack. Also concern about making some service packs available for needed functionality.
      • will maybe be a "cherry pick" release.
  • updates from CSP:
5 minElectionsAll

Results are in. 

The following were elected to the Technical Council:

  • Tod Olson (University of Chicago)
  • Craig McNally (EBSCO Information Services)
  • Marc Johnson (Knowledge Integration)
  • Jakub Skoczen (Index Data)
  • Taras Spashchenko (EPAM)


Effectively, the only change is Raman will be replaced by Taras.  This change officially takes effect July 1.  

Craig McNally will reach out to Taras Spashchenko to see if he'd like to start attending sooner to get involved sooner.

Do we want to revisit roles, or are we happy to keep things as-is?  Wait until after July 1, or at least until Taras is present?

Voting will be next week

1 minWOLFcon planning
  • Call out for ideas for WOLFcon sessions is out.
  • Deadline for submission has been extended to  
5-10 min

Technical Council Sub Groups Updates


Breaking changes: Jeremy Huff no meeting yesterday

Improving TCR process: Jeremy Huff No meeting last week, Jeremy will do a recording of the presentation

Distributed vs centralized configuration. Florian Gleixner try to find a new schedule after holidays

 15-20 minJava 17 DiscussionAll

Discuss as a group and try to reach a decision, then updated the DR.

See DR-000034 - Java 17 Support

Java 11 Support ends Sept. 2023

Development freeze for Poppy was yesterday, so migrating all modules to Java 17 will not work for Poppy, but support for Poppy runs longer than Java 11 support.

Marc Johnson Merging Poppy and Quesnelia may be rather skipping the release schedule for Poppy and the next Release will still be named Poppy, but it is not clear and confusing. This affects updating the officially supported technologies page.

Craig McNally proposes to update the DRs scope to "the release happening toward the end of this year".  After some discussion, changed to "For the release happening in Fall/Q4 2023 (release name to be added later) all java-based FOLIO modules must be implemented using Java 17, and the use of Java 11 for FOLIO modules is no longer acceptable."

The TC accepts the DR using lazy consensus.

10-20 minRFCsAll
  • Java 17 RFC - let's close this one - who has the ball here?
  • Wrapping up the Kafka topics RFC
    • PR is merged; the next step - Final Review stage; the discussion will continue next week, hopefully, with voting
    • Marc Johnson Different options require decision which option is in officially tested. Mark Veksler This will be considered in testing environments.
    • Accepted using lazy consensus
    • Next is a Post review, Craig McNally will do a doodle poll
    • Olamide Kolawole will write a DR
  • Cleanup effort required:
    • filename prefix - all RFCs currently use 0000- defeating the purpose
    • conflicting process documentation between the wiki and github...
    • renaming can be done by RFC submitters, leave comments on the RFCs that still need it
    • Jenn will take on the documentation clean up, Work has started, some discussion in tc-internal slack.
5 minUpcoming meetings
  • Continuation of our conversation about Cross-tenant/consortia and tenant checks.  Calendar already updated. Olamide Kolawole explained some details in last meeting.
  • is holiday for several members - probably won't meet 
Time permittingOfficially Supported Technologies - UpkeepAll
  • Craig McNally successfully locked down the pages so that only TC members can edit
  • Craig McNally will roll out the headers to the remaining pages
  • Review the page status enumeration from the perspective of how/when/which modules are affected
  • Lock down is done, headers are there and now labels are added so things are appearing as they should be! Good progress.
  • Does "accepting" imply once and done or can things circle back through the statuses? How do we expect the statuses to drive what we are going to do? What process ties the statuses together?
  • It would be helpful to have a workflow diagram (like what JIRA has) about how the statuses transition from one to another. Need something written down.
    • As far as new modules, trying to show only the active one applies to a module being released right now
  • Some process is needed because of impact on scope. Impact can be at product level because of scope but the knowledge is at the dev level.
  • RFC too heavyweight for these decisions
    • Due diligence/communication to not surprise people
    • Who needs to be told? PO meeting and they communicate back
  • Bring to a monday meeting
  • ADRs might be a good solution
  • Should move Poppy to active, need to get Quesnelia up soon


  • Didn't get to this today - defer to next week.
Time permitting

Browser support

  • Zak Burke more time is needed to collect support from the community


  • Update on where this stands?
  • Zak Burke A slack channel is created, there was a good discussion on this recently; keep this in the agenda for next week
  • Zak Burke on slack no one really objected to the statements. Some clarifications have been done
  • Vote on Browser support: Vote passed
  • Tod Olson will notice the PC about this decision.

Topic Backlog

*reminder*Terminology DocumentAll
  • Craig McNally the term "platform" is something that we wanted to revisit but the terminology document otherwise has been accepted by the three councils
  • Craig McNally what is the urgency on this?
  • Jenn Colt has been talking with Marc Johnson on Slack and was thinking that could be part of a larger conversation about architecture
  • Marc Johnson is okay leading this conversation and rolling it into the Architecture discussion,  we could use platform as the first topic on the Architecture sub-group

Action Items