2023-12-13 - Comms for Quesnelia Postgres

2023-12-13 - Comms for Quesnelia Postgres



Discussion items

1 minScribeAll

Tod Olson is next, followed by  Jakub Skoczen  (since Ankita Sen is unavailable)

Reminder:  Please copy/paste the Zoom chat into the notes.  If you miss it, this is saved along with the meeting recording, but having it here has benefits.

*Communicating Postgres Support for QuesneliaAll


  • On the TC voted to approve DR-000038 - PostgreSQL Upgrade to 16
    • PostgreSQL 12 and 16 are the officially supported PostgreSQL server versions for the Quesnelia FOLIO release; PostgreSQL 12 server support ends November 14, 2024. Only PostgreSQL 12 SQL features are allowed for the Quesnelia FOLIO release; they must also work under PostgreSQL 16.

      PostgreSQL 16 is the officially supported PostgreSQL version for the Ramson FOLIO release.

  • The DR also includes messaging/communication suggestions for various stakeholders.
  • Let's walk through this and iron out exactly what we're going to say to whom, when, and how...
    • Audiences:
      • In addition to communities listed in the DR, include Implementers group and POs.
    • How to communicate to each group?
      • Basic idea: craft a general message that gives the context of PG12 coming to EOL and link to DR into the summary area.
        • General support for this approach, minimizes duplicating text and the DR is the best single source of information. Should keep this document as the place where we answer questions that come up.
      • For developers, there's a question of whether devs are expected to test under PG16, currently there is no explicit requirement.
        • Should we say that developers should test that this works with PG16?
        • What do we do in a new module review? Just check PG12, or also PG16?
      • For test manager, unclear when the test manager will run tests against PG16.
      • Amended idea:
        • Craft the general message that frames the need and then have conversations with the different audiences.
        • Get the message out before the holidays and set up for those conversations early in the new year.
  • Draft message:
    • PostgreSQL 12 will hit EOL as of November 14, 2024 and FOLIO needs to transition to a current version, PG16. The Quesnelia will be a transition release which must run under both PG12 and PG16, this will allow deployed environments to transition.
    • It is imperative that, when deployed environments switch from PG12 to PG16, nothing breaks due to this update. For Quesnelia, modules should be constrained to PG12 and only those features that are forward-compatible with PG16.
    • Making this transition will have implications across the technical side of the project, and the TC will work on working through the implementation issues with the different audiences.
NAZoom Chat

Tod Olson 11:06 AM
Worth including Implementers and POs.

Jenn Colt  to  Everyone 11:23 AM
We’ve done TCR process revision, RFC procession revision, DRs must be next!

Marc Johnson  to  Everyone 11:38 AM
FWIW I share Craig’s stance

Tod Olson  to  Everyone 11:40 AM
Let's assume Ramsons will slip.

Jenn Colt  to  Everyone 11:40 AM
We definitely keep bugfest

Jenn Colt  to  Everyone 11:41 AM
Unnamed installations!

Maccabee Levine 11:57 AM
sorry gotta drop off