2023-07-12 Documentation Working Group Agenda/Meeting Notes

2023-07-12 Documentation Working Group Agenda/Meeting Notes

Zoom Meeting Info

The second Wednesday of the month, 10am -11am EST / 16-17 CET


Meeting ID: 896 3760 4553
Passcode: FOLIO Meetings with Zoom

Attendees: Erin Nettifee, Amanda Ros, Julie Brannon, Laura Daniels, Eliana Lima, Christine Tobias, Laurence Mini, Kathy Peters, Lucy Harrision, Katharina Jung, Martina Tumulla,


next meeting: Aug 9th

new Lists App - PC meeting minutes (Kathleen Moore PO for the lists app gave a demo of the lists app and current functionality)
Reporting group discussed the lists app a little

new Workflow SIG (integration of external workflow tool with FOLIO) - PC meeting minutes, Workflow SIG charge


Erin: new rep for RA documentation (Laurence), hooray -

Laura: new rep for MM (Kathy Peters); Laura will be stepping down in September, still need at least one more MM rep

Lucy is rep for Consortia

Welcome to Laurence, Kathy, Lucy and Katharina

Thank you to Erin for reorganizing and updating our wiki pages  and adding new content
Resources for Docs WG members / Onboarding support


PC: "WOLFcon has about 72 time slots total across the three days. 94 sessions were proposed"

One documentation working group meeting

Sched: https://wolfcon2023.sched.com/

suggestions for topics?

  • Who is our audience? working group meeting vs. information sharing
  • recruiting
  • changes in TOC and feedback
  • lighting talk on our work, also for recruiting (Laura and Julie could help)
  • transition phase

other suggestions welcome via slack

Poppy checkinall

Erin: Transfer to Laurence for RA

Christine: went through all the jiras for users included some RA, Helping Amanda with bulk edit and Lucy and Christine will prepare the consortia documentation, but right now not much to document on

Juli: Molly Driscoll will take over the ACQ documentation and will meet for transition. 

Christine created the poppy folder, which was not there.

Duplicate slack channelsErin

We have duplicate slack channels with documentation as a topic - #folio-documentation and #documentation-wg

One of them should be retired to reduce confusion

there are naming convention for slack channels

questions which of them might be retierd?

scope of the channels?

#folio-documentation - maybe in general and all documentation?

#documentation-wg - maybe working group and documentation website?

need for good documentation for onboarding and documentation workflow

Poppy due date

Poppy public release is changed to Nov 20

Poppy documentation deadline: to be decided