2023-06-14 Documentation Working Group Agenda/Meeting Notes

Zoom Meeting Info

The second Wednesday of the month, 10am -11am EST / 16-17 CET


Meeting ID: 896 3760 4553
Passcode: FOLIO Meetings with Zoom

Attendees: Marcia Borensztajn, Erin Nettifee, Amanda Ros, Julie Brannon, Laura Daniels, Eliana Lima, Emma Raub, Christine Tobias, Paul Kloppenborg, Hedda Kuban, Lara Moch, Martina Tumulla,

Administrivia Martina

next meeting: July 12th

WolfCon in Chicago - one session for Documentation submitted - topics to be decided

Poppy release postponed - Nov 20


Duke:  thank you for great contribution from Duke, will continue until September, helping with transition, Christine offers to help with RA

Poppy checkinall

Erin: generated Jira Tickets, probably more Title level requesting

Also there will be a gap with platform essentials / Julie and Erin wrote content / this group needs to talk about how to proceed with areas not belonging to subject areas  

Julie: 1 or 2 tickets from previous release

Erin: due to the new work for data import cannot predict, new multi item

Laura: may not be a lot of new functionality, would be good to have a fresh perspective for the documentation data import

Amanda: not a huge lift, some enhancement – Christine offered help for October/ November

Christine: will mentor new consortia representative Lucy, who will attend our meetings soon

Laura: quickMARC and MARC authority interaction with inventory and SRS, bandwidth to make the search documentation more comprehensive, page for inventory is very long – either to break it up or enhance navigation – will be a topic for a future meeting

Emma: changes to Orchid / Nolana documentation are not updated on the website, will inform Ian

Eliana: focus on recruitment from the main Reporting SIG

Translation / Localizations

Ian was able to integrate the language drop down

Hedda took a look at the translation software

Lokalise more focused to UI content, but has a connection to github

Deepl has very good results, but is a paid tool / Hedda will look at open source software and evaluate all options

How is the translation maintained – there are alerts in github

Feedback / Jira

Different channels of getting feedback / maybe on each page on the website

Need person responsible for tracking the feedback


Research on some tools for helping with workflow

Table of content

Laura will contact Felix, who is interested to share his thoughts on the TOC

Poppy due date

Poppy public release is changed to Nov 20

Poppy documentation deadline: