2023-03-08 Documentation Working Group Agenda/Meeting Notes

Zoom Meeting Info

The second Wednesday of the month, 10am -11am EST / 16-17 CET


Meeting ID: 896 3760 4553
Passcode: FOLIO Meetings with Zoom

Attendees: (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee Marcia Borensztajn Amanda Ros Martina Tumulla Laura E Daniels Julie Brannon (old account) Emma Raub Eliana Lima Molly Driscoll 




From PC: "Technical Editor funding initiative was finally a success. Marcia can continue for 4 month to work with the group and Paul Kloppenborg"

From PC: "The FOLIO documentation https://docs.folio.org/  had a copyright "© 2023 Open Library Foundation All Rights Reserved". The decision was made and pull request formed to change this to "© 2023 Open Library Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ||  Privacy Policy"  (https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/DOCS-295 )"

Emma Gollner has landed a full-time technical writer job! She sent a nice note. Will not be able to volunteer anymore because of time but we are so grateful for the contributions she made.

Nolana / Orchid check-inAll

Erin: added "Add'l topics pieces". Lots of new content for Orchid in progress. Hoping to touch base with Christine Tobias about Users docs to find out what support she needs.

Laura: Molly and her are working on trying to put improvements in place for search documentation. Erin: I tried to help clean up search documentation.

Marcia: Important to think about what for search is inventory-specific but also what is generalized.

Laura: would be nice to collaborate on that question - she is more familiar with Inventory behavior and it's not clear what is similar across apps.

Amanda: Have not started on Bulk Edit docs for Orchid yet. They were focused on TAMU Nolana testing. 

Julie: Recent challenges - coordination of updates between docs and github - found holes in that workflow where changes didn't make it into published site. Has had to go back and do a lot of cleanup with Ian. Erin: Julie and I had some discussions about workflow. We should have Ian here for this discussion.

Emma: I also have chunks of things in Google docs that didn't make it to Github, same as Julie. Haven't used Github before, so would need training. (Amanda and Laura would also need training.) Haven't started in Orchid yet because wasn't sure if that was in Google docs. Marcia - do it in Google, because we need to figure out a process.

Eliana: Reporting group - Product Owner (Nassib) gave feedback that he wanted them to do things differently. Need to get metadb documented. Not a lot of progress yet. They don't have to necessarily release in sync with Orchid per se. Different needs for release management.

Molly: Working on Orchid content, should not be significantly different than Nolana content.

Season of Docs applicationMarcia


Deadline is March 24th - what projects would be reasonable to ask for? 

  • Graphics is still a need....
  • Feedback mechanism....
  • Localization....
  • Project search? A general broad approach? Might be of value - inventory-specific approach might be harder because it would require library-specific knowledge about bibs, holdings, etc.

Reporting: revamping reporting documentation

by focusing more on the practical usage of each tool vs. technical details

From Slack discussion: "consider a new mechanism for managing the content flow for our documentation"Ian

Documentation theme (Documentation Theme Requirements)

and whether we want to look at a new one


Discussion about possibilities.... Hugo has been problematic and theme / search broke for a long time.

Hugo does have a feedback mechanism, it's just turned off.

If we need to change information structure, we need to make that decision soon because it has a big impact on localization. 

Erin: structure does not work well. Marcia: So we need to start there. 

Orchid due date

Orchid public release is planned for April 10th

Orchid documentation deadline April 3rd

Next meeting April 19th