2023-04-19 Documentation Working Group Agenda/Meeting Notes

2023-04-19 Documentation Working Group Agenda/Meeting Notes

Zoom Meeting Info

The second Wednesday of the month, 10am -11am EST / 16-17 CET


Meeting ID: 896 3760 4553
Passcode: FOLIO Meetings with Zoom

Attendees: Marcia Borensztajn, Erin Nettifee, Amanda Ros, Julie Brannon, Christine Tobias, Laura Daniels, Paul Kloppenborg, Emma Raub, Dennis Christmann, Eliana Lima, Molly Driscoll, Martina Tumulla

AdministriviaMartinaNext meeting: May 10th




PC: CC, PC, TC are working on Terminology document

Google Season of docs application was not accepted this year.

Possible Projects: translation, graphics, search

Discussion about Graphics:
What is worth as a screenshots / if they add value
call-outs or not
keep it up-to-date / maintenance commitment 
Translation – if the interface is localized, maintain in other languages as well
amount of screenshots - less is more

Reporting - LDP App User storyEliana

Changing the direction of documentation – right now too technical and focused on system administrators – better to use user stories

Reporting – information is duplicated from other documentation, linking to the other documentation is fine

We are following the style guide https://developers.google.com/style

Reshaping user stories this to align with style guide and other pages (phrasing, words …)

User stories could be separate – maybe in wiki

Erin did a section “additional topics” nested under Resource Access https://nolana.docs.folio.org/docs/access/additional-topics/

Examples:  How you run a report is too variable.

What would you like to accomplish? Task and accomplishment and not UI descriptions

Information on docs: Here is what you find in the docs – and this is what you find in the wiki

the wiki space for data import was restructured to make it clearer https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FOLIOtips/Data+Import

in the wiki it is easier to change content

existing resources on wiki – updated over time – what version it is there for is not clear

maybe create new pages on the wiki 

maybe first content creation and then cleaned up, labeled and organized in the wiki

maybe moving some valuable information to docs

wiki created by anyone from the community – docs is much more controlled

on the wiki information on syntax for data import 

Orchid check-inAll

Orchid documentation will be written and finished up

The user should choose a release intentionally to know what is looked at.

On docs.folio.org – graphics for every release could be included to refer to the documentation

docs.folio.org/docs – make sure to use the release menu for selecting the right documentation

pointing to a page – a consistent link is needed that does not have the release name in the URL (which changes) example: here is the link e.g. invoice section – link to the most recent version

idea: section for the current release in the top of pages, here is the documentation for nolana, morning glory – maybe only the last 2-3 releases

Potential Changes to the Table of ContentsMarcia

Should be solid before we are translating – mirrored to other languages

Long content within inventory – right hand navigation – often the search is used and not the table of content

Maybe subsection

Long pages: Inventory, Setting for circ and users, Settings Inventory, Acquisitions: Orders and Finances, Reporting

Left hand is too long – no one is scrolling down – glossary is not noticed

Idea: Remove Permissions documentation from all pages and creating a page with all permissions documentation for librarians doing permissions sets or assigning permissions

To much scrolling in general

Do we need to change the table of content or is there another way to access the content (e.g. graphics) and this would help?

Poppy due date

Poppy public release is planned for July 31

Poppy documentation deadline: