2023-11-08 Documentation Working Group Agenda/Meeting Notes

Zoom Meeting Info

usually the second Wednesday of the month, 10am -11am EST / 16-17 CET


Meeting ID: 896 3760 4553
Passcode: FOLIO Meetings with Zoom

Attendees: Katharina Jung, Kathy Peters, Lisa Lorenzo, Laurence Mini, Eliana Lima, Amanda Ros, Molly Driscoll, Christine Tobias, Martina Tumulla

Note taker: Martina Tumulla


next meetings: Dec 13th | Jan 10th

note takers for Dec: Molly Driscoll, Christine Tobias

possible note takers for Jan: Laurence Mini, Amanda Ros

Info from PC: "Bulk Edit and Lists application are going to have a single group and Slack channel. Name TBA"
Discussion: Policy for using links and references in the documentationKatharina

Laura and Kathy asked for a general handling concerning this topic. Below is a draft example (the outlined text) to start the discussion. The link provided into the Folio wiki would be to a specific Data Import page rather than the home page of the wiki. Some feedback asked the question of how we could make sure readers who follow the wiki link could be warned that the wiki information may not align with the same Folio release as the documentation - maybe add "Please note that Folio wiki information may or may not be in alignment with the version of Folio this docs.folio.org page supports." as a final sentence?

If we agree on some way of pointing readers to the wiki content from the docs.folio.org pages, can we use it in at least some pages of Poppy's documentation? Kathy would really like to point Data Import and Data Export docs to the wiki as the content in docs.folio.org for those two apps is not detailed enough to help people set up Job Profiles. The wiki has what people need.

The same holds true for the Consortia documentation. The detailed instructions for setting up Enhanced Consortia Support (ECS) in a tenant are in the Poppy release notes. Once ECS is turned on, users can manage records for their Consortia using the Consortium manager app in the UI. We don't need the technical information for setting up ECS in our Consortia docs, but we do need to make it available. Linking to the Poppy release notes in this case offers a practical solution.


Agree on one policy for using external links 
Wiki – information is not in alignment with the FOLIO release  
Tests are necessary that links are working 

Kathy: Maintenance of external links is work, constantly checking? Cannot be provided 
Amanda: update the documentation each new release and address changes in a hotfix and update it, maintaining the external links is a lot of work and cannot be provided 
Kathy: maybe one text at the top of the documentation that if you could look e.g. at the wiki for further info if the documentation on our pages are not the documentation expected. Would this be a better solution than to have a lot of external links?
Christine: it is difficult to maintain external links / new functionality e.g. consortia manager / rather than documenting how to set it up in your tenant - there are steps in the Poppy release notes – for more information see the release notes / Alternatively copy it into the settings documentation, but this would be duplicating already existing information / This information is backend info. We are writing more for the frontend use.
Kathy: data import and data export, not enough information in our documentation to actually set up a job profile / A lot of detail is missing in our documentation, but the wiki has tutorials and other useful links – not all belong in our documentation, but if somebody is starting as a user those information are helpful
Katharina: one central hint on the homepage, perhaps we don’t start reading the documentation with the homepage – hint on every section
Amanda: one don’t start with the home page of documentation – repeating it at the top of a section or chapter – but maybe at the bottom could be a solution as well – if you did not find it please look here – just a thought
Molly: high level warning at the home page like may contain external sources are not maintained by the documentation wg and may not be aligned with the current FOLIO release / putting the warning only on sections that link to external sources, not to all of the pages
Kathy: Keep the number of external links as low as possible! We should revisit and evaluate the use of external links in the future
Katharina: one central hint on the home page and in the sections, where external links are used and of course check the links if they are working
Martina: maybe only links to certain areas in the wiki e.g. tipps and tricks section / Information and User Guides for FOLIO Apps
Kathy: not link all over the wiki, so central place in the wiki
Molly: tips and tricks pages in wiki, but expand it slightly, because circulation documentation and searching documentation is on github
Eliana: we used to link to github to a special version and decided to link to the main repository, so the link can be more permanent and don’t need to change them that often  

Molly (chat): Proposed messaging: "This documentation contains links to external sites. Please be advised that these sites are not maintained by the FOLIO Documentation Group and may not be aligned with the current release of FOLIO."

Molly (chat): For section specific (Laurence's suggestion): "This section of the documentation contains links to external sites. Please be advised that these sites are not maintained by the FOLIO Documentation Group and may not be aligned with the current release of FOLIO."

Christine: for poppy documentation: links from the consortia manager documentation to Poppy Release notes
Kathy: data import and data export - would like to link it for the Poppy release / What about the design of the warning? 

Kathy will share how to design of her “box-layout”

Kathy (chat): Here's the coding for the table, though the text needs to change to our new standard : <table style="border: 2px solid black"><tr><td><strong>This documentation only provides a searchable overview of the Data Import App. More detailed information including tutorials and examples can be found in the <a href=https://wiki.folio.org>Folio Wiki</strong></td></tr></table>

In one of our next meetings we will talk about "orphaned" sections (Table FOLIO Documentation Working Group )

Poppy Check-inAll

Christine (Users, Bulk Edit (Users), Lists, Consortia): Lists Documentation is finished – add some definitions and add those to the glossary / Users also finished – just one look through regarding mark down language / started the bulk edit users documentation / Consortia manager: Dennis and Joe gave a tutorial on the consortia manager and we used it to create a foundation for the documentation. We will look through it again.   

Amanda (Items Bulk Edit): bulk edit for item and holdings records this week / Question: if you do a preview you can choose now 54 columns (was 20 columns) two show 54 colums – space whether or not it is useful to list them all / I think I will take them out and write e.g. multiple columns to choose from and pick what you want

Laurence (RA): done with check-in, check-out, requests, courses, settings and loans / circulation log almost finished / still working on reminder fees

Molly (Export manager, ACQ): done with export manger, nearly done with update to ACQ settings / reviewing all the ACQ documentation since first documentation release after taking over this task

Kathy (MM): full review and update of data import and export, settings documentation as well

Lisa (MM): quick-marc done, will add an external link / Updates to inventory documentation / new features for adding bound-withs not yet in bugfest / would like to look at it first before finalizing

Eliana (Reporting): LDP1 and metadb / meeting today to finish up 

Table of the representatives on the working page will be updated by Katharina after the meeting

Poppy due date

Poppy public release is planned for Nov 20 | appendix: Dec 18th

Poppy documentation deadline: November 13 is the aim | appendix: Dec 11th

Quesnelia due date

Quesnelia public release is planned für Apr 29

Quesnelia documentation deadline as ever 1 week before: Apr 22 is the aim