2023-05-10 Documentation Working Group Agenda/Meeting Notes

2023-05-10 Documentation Working Group Agenda/Meeting Notes

Zoom Meeting Info

The second Wednesday of the month, 10am -11am EST / 16-17 CET


Meeting ID: 896 3760 4553
Passcode: FOLIO Meetings with Zoom

Attendees: Marcia Borensztajn, Erin Nettifee, Amanda Ros, Julie Brannon, Laura Daniels, Eliana Lima, Molly Driscoll, Ian Walls, Julian Ladisch, Ingolf Kuss, Martina Tumulla

AdministriviaMartinanext meeting: June 14th
Orchid checkinAll

All in for the Orchid release

Consortia SIG is looking for volunteers to write documentation on Consortia topics (Settings and content for existing apps). It will be on the agenda for the next Consortia SIG meeting.
There will be changes to Apps - coordination with App writers/owners 
Settings specific to Consortia 
Some development already for poppy release 

Draft version on https://docs.folio.org/docs/Ian

Previously docs.folio.org was connected to the main branch (landing page for new content, which then became the new release documentation)
Change with Orchid: most recent release is connected to docs.folio.org – right now Orchid
New content into the poppy branch – poppy is now draft space – we can look at it (knowing the url with flower name), but it is not in the releases menu
Docs.folio.org links are now stable and directed to the most recent release
Ian will share more information about the repurpose of main branch

Localization https://docs.folio.org/docs/Ian

Hugo has localization functionality
What languages we would like to add and take the same directory structure
Not automated translation 
There will be a dropdown menu languages next to the release menu
Workflow coordination: translation with preferable help from translation software
Paul will be in contact with Peter Murray
Changes – how do we get the changes translated?
Could do a disclaimer about the delay of translation?
Writers could communicate with the translators while writing changes?
We should ask Peter Murray about workflows around localization
Phrases / terms around libraries specific wording / specific vocabulary

Potential Changes to the Table of ContentMarcia

Before translation work we should see what we will change in the table of content

Laura: Inventory is large – explore ways to divide it up maybe within the page / Documentation around mapping needs to be added

Other area with similar challenges-would like to be consistent: settings, bulk edit,

Impact on Search?

Consistent approach across each page

Laura volunteers to look for a meeting timeslot via Slack to brainstorm about mockups

Search on https://docs.folio.org/docs/Marcia

Search functionality was broken
Looking at pagefind
Julian: try a pull request for evaluation / similar search engine on the developer side of FOLIO / did make a small proof of concept / the preview can be tested after the pull request and will be announced via Slack

Documentation Install FOLIOIngolf

Ingolf: too many different version of the FOLIO Installation on the docs website and it is not noticed which version is being viewed

Branding the FOLIO release documentation to make it more obvious

If you do an installation you do the most recent version  

Maybe move installation documentation to github?

Deprecated notices (a banner from Hugo) on old version – this version is no longer supported - no longer actively maintain those release documentation - Ian will take a look

Notes in the Installation documentation – e.g. This is not the most recent version please take a look at ..

The link https://docs.folio.org/docs/getting-started/installation/ will always refer to the most recent version.

Poppy due date

Poppy public release is planned for July 31

Poppy documentation deadline: Wed July 26