2023-12-13 Documentation Working Group Agenda/Meeting Notes

Zoom Meeting Info

usually the second Wednesday of the month, 10am -11am EST / 16-17 CET


Meeting ID: 896 3760 4553
Passcode: FOLIO Meetings with Zoom

Attendees: Katharina Jung Christine Tobias Molly Driscoll  Lisa Lorenzo Laurence Mini Emma Raub Eliana Lima Martina Tumulla Amanda Ros 

Note taker: Molly Driscoll, Christine Tobias


next meetings:  Jan 10th? | Feb 14th

possible note takers for Jan/Feb: Laurence Mini, Amanda Ros – Katharina to contact them about note-taking in February instead due to Github session at January meeting

Topic for January meeting: Mini-training session on moving Google Drive into Github. Molly has offered to share her process.

Katharina will be unable to attend the January meeting due to holiday leave.

Lisa notified the group that Kathy Peters has had to step back from her FOLIO documentation role. The Group wishes her well!

Last meeting summaryKatharina

Central hints for the link policy (from the group in Slack channel doc-wg):

Home page: "This section of the documentation contains links to external sites. Please be advised that these sites are not maintained by the FOLIO Documentation Group and may be aligned with a different FOLIO release."

Sections:      "This section of the documentation contains links to external sites. Please be advised that these sites are not maintained by the FOLIO Documentation Group and may be aligned with a different FOLIO release."

→ Do we need a place to write that down for community or new working-group members?

Place the Terminology document from the PC


Document was developed and approved by the FOLIO Tri-Council. (Definition of "platform" is still under review.) Content of document needs to stay in this order and "together".

  • integration in docs.folio.org
    • Suggestions from PC (Martina). The Terminology document as its own subsection under About FOLIO (Same level as Features, Benefits, and Licenses). Separate entries to incorporate into Glossary.
    • Rename the Terminology document to avoid confusion with Glossary.
    • Incorporate entries from Terminology document into Glossary so we have only one document to serve as a Glossary. Include internal links in Glossary to Terminology document.
    • Align language of first paragraph on About FOLIO with Terminology document.
  • Needs to align with glossary → Suggestion to move Glossary as a subsection of About FOLIO or Platform Essentials. It is currently at the bottom of the page.
  • Discussion also raised concerns about search limitations and possible improvements
  • Approval to add terminology document to https://docs.folio.org/docs/about-folio/ and create internal links from glossary
  • ACTION: Martina to add terminology document contents to https://docs.folio.org/docs/about-folio/ and potentially revisit first paragraph to align
  • ACTION: Larger discussion about Glossary tabled for February meeting.

Orphaned areas in the representative's table


According to Table FOLIO Documentation Working Group

  • Home/About
  • Getting Started
  • Get to know FOLIO? where is this content?
  • Platform Essentials - Laurence has offered to take on Item Status and Keyboard Shortcuts. Need owners for Locations, Permissions.
  • Dashboard - Emma writes the document for ERM. Other Dashboard areas do not have anyone assigned at this time.
  • ...

How do find people to take on these vacant areas? Recruiting at relevant SIGs and personal contact with POs has been successful for the most part.

  • ACTION: Katharina will contact Emma re: Dashboard documentation.
  • ACTION: Katharina will remove "Getting to Know FOLIO" from documentation table.

Perhaps we can divide the Platform Essentials and Dashboard sections? Discussion tabled for February meeting.

  • ACTION: Laurence to adopt "Item status" and "Keyboard shortcuts"
Poppy Check-inAll

Emma (ERM) informed Katharina that her sections in the documentation are ready. Annika did not answer yet. What is the status for eUsage and KB Admin? Last commits were last year for Morning Glory and Juniper, respectively.

Christine: Docs are ready for Bulk Edit, Consortia, Lists, and Users. I need folders created in Github for Lists and Consortia since these are both new apps in Poppy. These are in the Google Drive folder. In the interest of time, is it easier for someone to walk me through adding these to Github or have someone else transfer the files from Google Drive to Github for me?

Molly to do a Github overview for January meeting.

Poppy due date

Poppy public release is planned for Dec 18th

Poppy documentation deadline:  Dec 11th (Ian via doc-wg Slack channel)

Quesnelia due date

Quesnelia public release is planned für Apr 29

Quesnelia documentation deadline as ever 1 week before: Apr 22 is the aim