2023-08-09 Documentation Working Group Agenda/Meeting Notes

Zoom Meeting Info

The second Wednesday of the month, 10am -11am EST / 16-17 CET


Meeting ID: 896 3760 4553
Passcode: FOLIO Meetings with Zoom

Attendees: Erin Nettifee, Amanda Ros, Julie Brannon, Laura Daniels, Eliana Lima, Emma Raub, Christine Tobias, Laurence Mini, Kathy Peters, Lucy Harrison, Katharina Jung, Lisa Lorenzo, Paul Kloppenborg, Molly Driscoll, Martina Tumulla,


next meetings:

  • WOLFcon Thursday, August 24 - 1:30pm - 3:00pm CDT
  • September 13 cancelled
  • October 11 → need to reschedule to October 18 (calendar invite will follow)

Molly Driscoll will take over ACQ documentation

Laurence Mini has taken over RA documentation

Kathy Peters has taken over Data Import/Export documentation

Welcome Lisa Lorenzo (will be working on MM-related documentation)

Thank you so much Erin, Laura and Julie!


Christine, Julie, Lucy H., Amanda R, Laura and Paul meet for discussion

possible topics:

  • introduction and transition phase
  • feedback
  • recruiting
Poppy checkinall

Question about workflow

  • Depending of what is changing and how much is known beforehand 
  • Not one place to look for changes 
  • Connect with PO of the area 
  • Some POs are doing presentation to the SIGs what is coming up
  • Using the bugfest environment, sometimes comparing the prior version with the bugfest one
  • Draft of the documentation ready to have the SIG review it and have it ready for the documentation meeting 

New Apps: Lists Apps – Christine will contact PO Kathleen

Github approval access Ian and Julian – PR through github and in some cases notify slack channel 
Encourage to use github 
Poppy bugfest is the environment
Erin’s Documentation: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/SS/Resources+for+Docs+WG+members 
Basic Workflow in Github for updating existing documentation: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/SS/Basic+Workflow+in+Github+for+Updating+Existing+Documentation 
Documentation needed on Links in markdown 
Molly will prepare a suggestion for "PO workflow"

discussion of when/how we might introduce links
from docs to specific pages in the wiki and to github


Kathy Peters draft for terms and some guidance for talking about it in October meeting again.

Laura (chat): Here's an example of what I'd like to link to: https://github.com/folio-org/mod-search#searching-and-filtering 

Examples for detailed information:

  • Data import has a lot of information on wiki 
  • searching in inventory in github 

github is for people, who are not using it, difficult

external information is not included in search

Terminology document

integration in docs.folio.org - maybe under About FOLIO

needs to align with glossary

content of document needs to stay in this order and "together"

Poppy due date

Poppy public release is changed to Nov 20

Poppy documentation deadline: to be decided
Paul will contact Ian.