2019-03-18 RPWG Meeting notes

2019-03-18 RPWG Meeting notes



Discussion items

AttendanceUpdate Attendee List
Meeting Logistics

Starting March 18, meeting will take place weekly at 10am EST

RPWG Meetings will be recorded and Anne Highsmith will move them to the Report Prototype Meeting Recordings folder in the Reporting SIG Google Drive folder

The RPWG Meetings now have a dedicated Zoom account to use Mondays at 10am EST for these meetings:

Join RPWG Zoom Meeting
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        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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Meeting ID: 614 438 335
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adzBRT8cZ2

Action ItemsReview and update Action Items
Circ Item Detail Report Prototype

Review FOLIO attributes in the Circ Item Detail Report Prototype and focus on the location elements to be sure they are correct. Cate Boerema (Loans PO) and possibly Marc Johnson (Loans developer) will join us to assist.

Notes from Previous Meetings:

-Kevin updated attributes to point to mod inventory storage (moving away from business logic modules and focusing on the storage logic modules)

-need to update Loan Date element path to come from mod circulation storage?

-should we add institution, campus, library id, and permanentlocationID from mod inventory storage?

Knowing the checkout location was not part of the original intent, but it’s good information to add if you want to do that. This was just a tester query to show details about items checked out in a given date range, and show basic demographics about the patrons who checked them out (=patron group).

Notes from Cate and Marc

-checkout location is service point (circ desks)

-location at holding and item

-temp location trumps perm, etc

-locations work with business logic to sort out where the thing should be shelved

-inventory and circulation work out effective location = dynamic when you are viewing the item; see UXPROD 1432

-show effective location (holdings location) from business logic module, service point, loan policy

-future: audit trail for location?

-FOLIO has loan action history

Other Notes

-dynamic calculation will be done when the data gets pulled from the FOLIO modules to the LDP; how does this impact time data points for report accuracy?

-without streaming updates, we will run incremental updates frequently in the LDP

-next step is to see RA and Reporting SIGs about locations

Update for Reporting SIG on March 25

Review page outlining the Report Prototype Update for March 25 – where we provide an update on RPWG activities to the larger Reporting SIG


-group decided better to schedule demo for March 25 due to schedules and availability

-U of A has LDP up and running and might be ready to demo this for Reporting SIG on March 25? (Ask Kevin and Michael)

-perhaps combine showing reports with showing LDP instance setup in one meeting on March 25? Or, separate into 2 meetings?

eUsage Project

Please take a look at the documentation for API data elements from the eUsage app development team.

eUsage API data elements documentation: 

  • the "counter-reports" worksheet shows the metadata for the harvested reports.
  • for eUsage, we do not actually save the single data fields of each report, but the monthly reports as a whole, with metadata to identify them

eUsage UI presentation:
The eUsage UI design includes a statistics previews backend that queries specific reports (identified by provider, date range, metric type etc.) and then processes the full report

Here is a presentation explaining this design with an example: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1r9KWetrYpQFd79j9uDRZkKEbigGp4mOqkh-a3nXJkq0/edit?usp=sharing

For our next meeting...

Review eUsage data element documentation and UI links above, along with related reports the Reporting SIG Master Spreadsheet list of reporting requirements, then bring your suggestions on our first eUsage report data model to our next meeting

Next meeting of the Report Prototype WG is scheduled for Monday, March 25 at 10:00am EST

Action Items

  • Sharon Markus will move AquadataStudio documentation from Tod Olson into Tools documentation
  • Kevin Walker will move MS Access documentation into Tools documentation


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