2019-01-28 RPWG Meeting notes

2019-01-28 RPWG Meeting notes



Notes from Past Meetings (November 2018 - January 2019)


Reporting Prototype Meeting

-to connect to database on Glint server, give Nassib IP address you will connect from in a direct message to Nassib (for security purposes)

-can connect from your reporting application of choice

-Nassib working on setting up a way to allow HTTP request for results of report/query

-this is a suggested view, but would be interesting to use different views of the data

-would be helpful to try with and without crosstab

The dataset

-sample data created with this report in mind

-approx 50 transactions with user, loan, date, patron group


-how is the distribution of the data, should it be different for the query?

-do you have any feedback, questions, how is the process working?

-Sharon: BIRT

-Angela: Tableau, R, PGAdmin

-Tod: Aqua Data Studio, maybe something additional

-Kevin: MS Access, Excel, Crystal Reports

For background, see https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RPT/Building+Report+Prototypes

create view v as

select '2017-01-01 - 2018-12-31' as checkout_date_range,


      coalesce(faculty, 0) +

          coalesce(graduate, 0) +

          coalesce(staff, 0) +

          coalesce(undergrad, 0) as total_for_library

   from crosstab(

   'select li.location_name, g.groupname, count(l.id) as ct

       from (

       select * from loans

           where loan_date >= ''2017-01-01'' and loan_date <= ''2018-12-31''

       ) l

           left join loans_item li

               on l.id = li.loan_id

           left join users u

               on l.user_id =